Thursday, June 30, 2011

alphabet glue volume 2: giveaway!

The lazy days, that stretch out for miles when you're small, call out stacks of books. We headed to our library the moment school let out and will be returning all summer to keep our readers fed.  I'm so happy to announce that Annie, of Bird and Little Bird, has come out with the new issue of her children literary e-zine, Alphabet Glue. It's the perfect companion to summer reading and enticing enough to tempt some stubborn"non readers" about the magic of words.  It's just as fun as her first issue of Alphabet Glue and I plan to incorporate it into our days. You'll find all of this between the "covers":
 A reading list for summer
Review as You Read Bookmarks
Story Starting Jars
Hidden-Binding Accordion Books
Story Lanterns
Make a Compass
Kid Detective Reading List
Do-It-Yourself Detective Kit including:
Secret Code Cards
Writing in Invisible Ink
Anonymous Letters
Costume Magnifying Glasses
A Detective's Notebook
 It's targeted for the early elementary age group and will be a perfect fit for my daughter since she's recently become intrigued by mysteries. Annie always hits the mark and her book lists are fantastic. Lucky for us... she's generously giving away 5 copies! If you'd like to have a chance to win one, please leave your name and email address before Friday at 8pm EST. I'll announce the winners in this post on Saturday. Good luck! Comments are now closed and the winners announced!
Now I'm off to print out the Alphabet Glue reading list to take on our next library run. I'd love to hear your summer reading plans...
And the winners are:
 hi, i'm kat. said...
ooohh, that sounds so fun! i have an almost 8 year old dd who would love this :)

Amy said...
Thanks for introducing me to Alphabet Glue, just the thing for my daughter, an avid book-lover who doesn't yet read independently.

Jessica Jo said...
My mom is a mystery person, this would be great for her to do with her grandkids!

Emilie said...
Oh! This looks lovely! Thanks for the giveaway (and the idea).

Nordlicht said...
this sounds absolutely perfect! Sunny greetings, Astrid.

Congratulations to all of you! I'll be sending your email addies over to Annie.

Pin It

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


barn cleaning
My mother's beautiful barn has seen a lot of action while she was away all winter in California. This past weekend was no exception. My, was there a lot of commotion! But since we are now counting the hours to her arrival (with my nieces in tow), it was time to get things in order. While my son was at camp, my daughter and I got to work. Well, she mostly made art and ate snacks, but she did make a great companion until she had had "enough cleaning already, Mama!". But I think we're set. Fresh sheets and bouquets from the meadow will greet them. We can't wait! July is my favorite month of my favorite season. Between the juxtaposition of summering it up with family and the amount of writing I'm currently immersed in, something has to give. After spending several days away from this space, I know how much I miss you and can't just say "see ya in August". No way! My solution as of right now is: Instagram (my username is mayamade) I will be blogging visually (with a caption) for the month of July. I may surprise you with a book review, giveaway or tutorial, but mostly you will see snapshots of what we do best around here: s.u.m.m.e.r.! Barn frolicking is sure to be a frequent subject and I will definitely keep the tweeting up... so now's a great time to give me a follow. I know what you're thinking... it's still JUNE! Just getting ready...
Are you getting ready for any big summer plans or fun guests?
still sill Pin It

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

a toast at day's end

sunset over the field
I stepped out onto the front porch last night
a celebratory glass of wine in hand
the setting sun smiled over the freshly baled field
and my whole being sighed
the first calm breath in days
what a luxurious moment of stillness
the laughter from behind the screen door eased the ache
of so much time spent away
invested inward and outward
 as I give birth to a book so filled with my everything
knowing that this unsustainable outpouring has an end
mama made meals will be the norm again
home tending will resume
but as I'm still in the thick of it
this solitary toast to the evening sky
was my salute to pursuing 
my dreams
and gently, too
it was my toast to you
sweet friends
who have made all things possible
simply by being here

Pin It

Friday, June 24, 2011

Create With Me

create w me
Stampington has a brand new publication focused on parent/child creative collaborations: Create With Me. It arrived in my mailbox yesterday... and I'm not the only one curious to check out what's inside. cwm 1
Doesn't that look familiar? My daughter's 6th cat birthday party is featured... even announces it on the cover. So exciting! I think what's so special about highlighting this particular party is how low-glitz it was.
There are so many gorgeous and fancy kid's parties these days...
and as inspiring as they are, I find them to be somewhat unattainable in the reality of everyday life and most family's budgets. I'm honored that our extremely successful, but quite humble handmade party, has been recognized this way. Big thanks to editor: Amber Demien! And a big hand to all of my daughter's wonderful "cat" friends that made the day so special. One of the best parts of her birthday has lived on and is now framed in her room. She had worked so hard on (and been so proud of) her cat portrait for Pin the Hat on the Cat, that we saved it.
cat portrait collaboration
To honor it, we cut it out and mounted it to a painted canvas. A mini bunting was added that I snipped out from the my very original newspaper bunting. Her birthday cat now lives on the wall across from her bed. It's the first thing my daughter  sees when she gets up in the morning.
And remember this Valentine Stamp that she made? It's in this issue also!
cwm stamps
As you can imagine, my daughter's feeling mighty happy! Me too.  I've never seen her so interested in an art magazine... we poured over the pages together.
Yay, there's our friend Jennifer Casa who has two girls the same age as mine!
Create With Me should be hitting the stands at any moment. Go take a peek!
And here are some links from this post that you might find fun:
Pin It

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

first day

magic on the dock
Happy Summer Solstice friends! And so begins my favorite season of the year. All of my senses are heightened as I take in:
-the riot of colors
-bursts of flavors
-early morning bird songs
-scents of a thousand blossoms
-touching the warm earth with my bare feet and hands
And let's not forget about the swimming. Oh glorious water, how I love you!  I am a summer baby through and through. And what about of those lovely ladies of the lake above and below? The first week of June gave Squam Lake a taste of what was to come... the magic of summer gatherings on and by the water. Sun and water alter time, you know. They work together to slow the hands from turning. Laughter flows easily. We let go.

Dear summer, 
I promise that I won't be completely consumed 
by my exciting projects (*deadlines*)  
and let you pass by without being appreciated and adored.
Maya... Cancer Crab, Moonchild, and lover of the dog days

Will you please welcome summer in with me? I know not everyone loves the heat... and on the other side of the world you may be wrapped in woolens, but if we're singing this season's praises what would they be... to YOU?
ladies of the lake
Goddesses from left to right: Jen, Pixie, Jonatha, Michelle, and little Maya on the dock at Backlog 
Pin It

Monday, June 20, 2011

good day

Yesterday was just what we all needed!
watkins glen
magic cloud birds
Our Father's Day tradition of walking Watkins Glen  is going on four years now. If you are anywhere nearby, you must give it a try. It's such an incredible hike through stone carved tunnels and underneath waterfalls. We go early to beat the throngs, and always feel as if we've entered a magical wonderland. Strawberry picking is on the way home, so how could we not? The day also began and ended with "hoops and birds"... doesn't get much better. I left my heavier camera behind... Instagram is just the light kind of creative play I'm loving right now. I know not everyone has an iphone, but if you do... so worth checking out! F.U.N. You can find me under the name mayamade (big surprise), but I'll keep trying to upload most of them to twitter so they're available to everyone, and I can easily keep a record of these daily glimpses on my computer. Have a great start to your week! Pin It

Saturday, June 18, 2011

you are so good

Writing yesterday's post generated some healing, but the multiple phone conversations with my grandfather that followed it brought me right back to that hard place. I might have stayed there in darkness, but so many of you came to my side.  Reading and rereading your respectful, poignant and sensitive comments and stories helped shift things so much. I can't thank you enough for your support and courage to share. Pretty amazing what power we women have... even virtually. So, I went to bed with a bit more ease, and when I came downstairs in the morning this is the vision that greeted me.
June morning- out the back door
I'm a bit spoiled... my back door view looks this sweet most summer mornings. However, today I saw it a bit more clearly, and viewed it as a sign that life was looking brighter  And it was. We honored my grandfather's memories by DOING them. It wasn't hard. The way that I celebrate summer with my family is based on my childhood vacations with my grandparents. We ate freshly picked peas for breakfast's first course (in honor of his abundant gardens). The badminton net was set up beneath the Walnut tree, just like the one under their maple every summer. Afternoon brought swimming, and I wove the tale of how I first learned to swim. Yes, that grandfather of mine taught me to swim... in the 7 ft deep pool he built by himself out of cement blocks. I've told you this one, right? He took the styrofoam insert that had come with a television and cut out a circle in the middle for me. I was six. It became my incredibly shrinking life preserver, as every day he cut off another chunk. One day there was only a small piece to hold onto, and I just began swimming. He swam with me every day right before lunch. He'd be hot and tired from working in the garden, I'd be happy and excited to have a someone watch me jump in over and over again. It was only ever a quick dip before my grandmother called to say sandwiches were ready... but it was my favorite part of the day.

Anyways, today felt easier and I thank you for listening... for indulging me. Unless you're a cat, birthdays tend to be full of emotions, whether they're our own or the ones we love.
hickory's 8th birthday
And yes, Hickory and my grandfather were both born on June 17th. He looks a little sad and pensive here, but really he seemed to have a fabulous day (caught a mouse to boot!)

One more thing- I didn't forget, it just took a while... the winner to Growing up Sew Liberated has been announced right here in the giveaway post. So go see if it's you! Pin It

Friday, June 17, 2011

remembering the forgotten birthday

I feel compelled to mark this special day as I have before, but struggled all morning with how to share this post and still be real. Because I began the week with such honesty here, it feels fitting to end it in complete truth.
After I finish writing to you, I will be heading to the phone. I will be dialing an unfamiliar number to a place I visited only two weeks ago.
A tired, but loving, voice will pick up on the other end and most likely say...
-"Hi Sweetie, I'll get him."
I'll listen to the inevitable prompt in the background...
-"It's Maya, honey, your first granddaughter."
I will then wish the man that has played the role of both my grandfather (and even more often) my father...  
A Happy 93rd Birthday!
I will explain to him who I am.
And again.
I will tell him how old he is, what the special day is, what day of the week, the month...
I will tell him several times, I am sure.
He will hear it, but a second after the words leave my mouth... the information will vanish.
Alzheimer's Disease. It began by stealing memories one by one... now and then. Now it has thieved almost every bit of his extremely brilliant mind. It's hard not to feel angered by this loss. But his gentle heart remains. Love is the only thing that his brain seems to be able to compute anymore. Is it that the function of our hearts is so completely separate? Because his is full... it still works so well.  During the time I spent with him on June 1st, I answered 100 times what day it was-Wednesday. What month- June... his birthday month. He was aware that having a handle on time was essential, but didn't know that his grasp was gone. In contrast, more than 100 times he told me confidently, without wavering, how much he loved me. He didn't know who the hell I was, but he knew/felt deeply that he loved me. I know it too. I am so grateful for the ability to still hug him and hold him. To feel him close. It has been a rich and long life, and these fleeting moments that make me ache and weep are still a precious part of the whole story. The story of 93 years on this Earth. My grandfather is an amazing man. He has lead a life worth telling about. But that is not his job anymore. It is the legacy for his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. We will carry his stories,  hold his memories, and pass down his gifts. And this morning, on June 17th, I will celebrate each and every one of them while wishing him a Happy BIRTHday!

my granparents with my little sister and me
My summers were always with my grandparents. July 1979. My 10th birthday.
listenening to the best storyteller
10 years later, now my little sister was 10(1/2).
Pin It

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Growing Up Sew Liberated Blog Tour: review and giveaway!

Growing Up Sew Liberated is hot off the press, and I couldn't be more excited to be a stop on the blog tour. I remember the day when author, Meg McElwee, first announced that she was writing a book about sewing thoughtful children's clothes, that respected a small body's need for independence and total comfort. I recall thinking what a perfect concept to focus an entire book on. That could be incredible. And it is! INCREDIBLE! Congratulations Meg! She has merged her early childhood education background, with her pattern making skills and mothering experience to produce a book that is filled with gorgeous clothing destined to become your child's favorites...
 and delightful play items that will really, truly be used... and loved. 
My little you know who has already put in a request for the hideaway play tent on the book cover and the little amigo doll that comes with patterns for clothing and a papoose (see the top photo). Someday soon, I hope.

Meg divided the book into sections to match the rhythm of the day for a small child:
  • greeting the morning
  • bread sharing & homemaking
  • inside play
  • outside  play
  • goodnight,sleep tight
Woven throughout the 20+ sewing projects are thoughts and gentle reminders about how to help children to gain a sense of independence and self worth through involving them in their world by "learning through everyday tasks". An embroidered placemat is so much more then a place setting  "it provides a guide to help the toddler remember what has not been retrieved from the cabinet". Because even a tiny person can set the table... given the right tools.
Meg and I share so much: an appreciation for the Montessori approach, a delight in Waldorf traditions and aesthetics, a desire to create peaceful and enriching environments for our family, and well there's that love for sewing, too. This book was destined to become one of my favorites, but I'm pretty sure it will be one of yours, as well. As with Meg's first book, Sew Liberated, the instructions and patterns are always straightforward so even if you don't have lots of sewing experience you can go forth with confidence.
 Stretchy, soft knits are what my children have always been drawn too... most kids are. So, I was so happy to see lots of designs incorporating this kid approved fabric without the need for sergers or fancy equipment. My only peeve about  is that my kids are too big for the clothing. That is the nature of mothering... we can't make them stop growing, can we? The sizing targets the 5 and under crowd. Luckily there are always babies needing gifts, right?
 all by myself bib
My half sister has twins turning one this month, so they were an easy inspiration. I loved these All By Myself Bibs. Older babies can't unsnap it or whip them off (as they are prone to do,) and a toddler can slip it on all by them self. Every one year old needs a couple for their birthday, no? Added bonus, they sew up quickly, so making multiples isn't daunting. I used a thick interlock polo shirt in extra large from the thrift store for both. I didn't have the"called for" ribbed jersey for the binding strips, but the instructions said I could substitute jersey... although it might not be as stretchy. We tested it over a 6 year old's big head and no problem. Yay!
 growing up sew liberated blog tour
 My birth father (the twins' grandpa/abuelo) gave me a little bird printed t-shirt on my 5th birthday. It was a favorite I remember well. I thought it fitting to print one of my own birds on at least one of these bibs. The little blue bee wanted to land on the other. Now they are both flying over the ocean to Puerto Rico and two birthday babes.
So, "yes" you say... sounds great and sign me up! If you leave a comment in this post, you'll be entered into the random drawing to win a free copy of Growing Up Sew Liberated. Please make sure you leave your email if it's not linked through blogger. Comments will close Friday at 9PM EST, and I'll announce the winner on Saturday. Good luck!  Comments are now closed.
Congratulations goes to:
jill said...
the book looks so wonderful! what a great prize to win. thanks
 I will contact you to get your mailing info.

 For everyone else, don't forget:
In addition, Meg is offering my readers 20% discount to anything in her shop (including her books) through June 23. Use the coupon code: MayaMade.

Here are the rest of the Blog Tour dates if you'd like to read more about the book and author:
6/21 Pin It

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

soulful mothering: love notes... and heart stones

love note jar
Today I'm honored to be one of Amanda's guests in her heartfelt series: Soulful Mothering. Thank you Amanda and congratulations to all of the Soules as they welcome in their littlest- Annabel.  Hello to any new friends visiting. If you enjoy and admire Soule Mama, we already have one thing in common, don't we! When she first wrote to me about her series, I thought of sharing something that was a part of our daily ritual- love notes . You can read about them right here.
 I created something with similar intent for a recent trip. At the beginning of June, I traveled away from my family to teach at Squam Art Retreats. Even though this is my third time, and although my children do get older each year (and my husband's "special daddy adventures" grow more elaborate!)...  the separation is still quite hard. I wrote new love notes for each day... and made these. Because of course, making something always eases an ache.
heart stones
I carved a tiny heart rubber stamp and printed love on small lake stones. Each one was kissed  and left with a letter on individual pillows for their first night. Since there were a bunch,  I hid them in different spots throughout the house for surprise"mama kisses" that could then be tucked into pockets. Doing this was as much for me as it was for them... maybe more so.
lining up stones
Now, a jar of heart stones sits next to the one of love notes on our counter.
love stones Pin It

Monday, June 13, 2011


Happy Monday! How are you? We're all asked that so frequently, and most of the time the answer just tumbles from our mouths without much thought. But today,  I mean how are you REALLY?! Because I feel like my pat response of "fine and how are you" isn't cutting it this morning. I need to be truthful and don't want, nor feel able to hide behind a screen of surface chat. So I will share how I REALLY am on this start of the last full week of school before we embrace summer vacation.

I am really:
-Overwhelmed by how much I have to get done before my book's SECOND photo shoot (in two weeks!), but happy to have straightened up my work space so I can... go to it!

-Not having enough time to cook anything but boring, easy meals, but blissed out by the abundance of fresh that's finally available and makes everything feel extravagant... like my spontaneous date with my daughter last night when we realized that picking strawberries for dinner was a perfectly sound plan.
- Not feeling like I've completely touched down from Squam, but knowing that I will fully ground when I post just a few more bits and photos soon.

-Preoccupied and distracted with thoughts of my dear grandparents who are needing so much care these days, but grateful that I was able to hug and kiss and hold them on my recent trip to New Hampshire.

-Feeling a bit crazy as the calendar keeps getting more stuff squeezed in, but knowing that by month's end my mom arrives with her abundant energy and the helpful hands of my beautiful nieces... who are so BIG now!

-Aching to do some serious crafting with my kids, but grateful that the simplest ingredients (new set of markers from the supermarket, craft sticks, and big brother's graph paper) are often quite satisfying.
simple ingredients
-Longing for more time in my gardens, but trying to feel contented with my many perennials and wildflowers that need no more attention than a bit of admiration.
flowers for the stove

Writing it down here helped me to get some perspective... thank you. I'm a bit out of breath, on the tired side, but really and TRULY "I am fine". Good to know.

And how are YOU... REALLY? Pin It

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Craft Camp guest

summer bunting is back
It really feels like summer... steamy weather, crazy thunderstorms, and lots of time splashing in water. I'm happy to be returning to Skip to My Lou for Cindy's Craft Camp. There are tons of wonderful ideas and activities posted every day, and today you'll find me sharing our *aqua scope* and instructions to make your own. If you missed our epic creek tale last year, you can find it right here. This crisis adventure inspired our lickety split diy aqua scopes. Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! Pin It

Friday, June 10, 2011

review: Action Pack Great Outdoors

Post image for Action pack: Issue 4 {June + July 2011} The Great Outdoors Mega Issue

There will be more Squam related posts next week, but I thought I'd send you off with a camp experience we can all share... right now. I am so happy  thrilled to introduce Action Pack's latest issue: The Great Outdoors. Kathreen, superhero of fame, has put together a wonderful collection of activities, crafts and recipes for each issue of her stellar kids E-zine Action Pack.

But this latest one...OH MY WORD! This issue is over the top, insanely GOOD! It's the MEGA issue for June/July and it's completely awesome. 

Maybe I'm biased... I grew up thinking summers were about cooking over fires you make by yourself, foraging for food and nature's treasures, and staying out all day under a canopy of trees. This issue is akin to a handbook for a wild nature/survival camp. With one issue, you'll have all you need for summer adventure.

*Disclaimer: Kathreen was generous enough to send me a copy to review, but this enthusiasm of mine is pure and genuine... I have not been this excited about anything in the child activity arena in memory. It's really that good. And to give you a taste, I've included  some details from Action Pack's site, and then I recommend just heading over and getting ready for summer fun. 
From Action Pack-
"In this pack you will find:
Campfire cooking recipes, Weather science experiments and Outdoor art projects.
- This Action Pack also has a super great section on Boredom busting games for car trips and rainy days. And we know there are plenty of those at holiday time.
- This Action Pack has a lovely big section on crafts: Including detailed instructions on how to make a must-have utility belt and bag , flower press and nature journal to take along on your nature excursions with you, and nature jewels and a woven fly swat that you can make while camping or hiking, from materials you can find along the way.
- This Action Pack also has a whole section on adventure and survival. Including how to make your own fish trap, fishing rod, how to safely light a campfire and detailed illustrations on how to tie seven different knots that just might save your life!

And here's a freebie- a project excerpt: 
"Make your own Fish Trap using a juice bottle
Download the project excerpt on making your own Fish Trap using a juice bottle. Not only is this a great project for when you are camping, it’s a terrific weekend and holiday project too – if you live near a creek or pond, give this a try – it’s heaps of fun and you never know what you will catch when you come back the next day to check on your trap. The beauty of this trap is that the fish are not harmed – you can let them go if you like, or you can observe and study them for a while, or if you are keen on fishing you might catch some fishies perfect as bait to catch that next big fish!"

Kathreen, I am so grateful for your contribution to today's child. There is so much thought, ingenuity, wisdom, respect and creativity loaded into each issue. At a time when our older children are so vulnerable to the seduction of technology, you have created and intelligent and enticing alternative. Thank you!

Action Pack Great Outdoors
Past issues of Action Pack
Action Pack Philosophy Pin It