- Embrace- on Kickstarter
- Elizabeth Gilbert- on success, failure and the drive to keep creating
- a tribute to her grandmother
- The Conscious Booksmith
- 31 diys to make your backyard awesome this summer!
March 2014
Februrary 2014
January 2014
Oct-Dec 2013
- leaving by mark nepo
- jee young lee's dreamscapes
- flash mob in copenhagen metro
- the world's most famous front yard veggie garden
- geometric stenciled floors
September 2013
- river story
- flourless chocolate hazelnut cake
- surviving whole foods (hilarious!)
- minka via enhabiten
- the big ask
Summer 2013
- herb mother's herb camp
- soulshine studio!
- maya stein's permission slips
- take a nap
- Mama Kin- The River She Runs
April and May 2013
- striving to lead a more heirloom life
- salted caramel budino
- the kids art and craft directory
- 60 tiny love stories
- farinata genovese
March 2013
February 2013
- you've been fracked!
- 10 rules of the happy people
- fresh summery scented bedding year round
- making ropes
- Brene Brown on Sounds True
- put down the iPad, lace up the hiking boots
January 2013
December 2012
October and November
- maya stein's writing prompts for ordinary people
- if you're waiting for a sign
- pumpkin hazelnut bars
- Betz's Wildlife with Love
- Now is the time
- calling all manifestation junkies- how to deal with things that suck (love this via Susanna Conway)
- autumn grilled cheese three ways
- the eco womb tour
- the most beautiful lies
- Heather's frozen tomato sauce tute
summer links
- cain's arcade
- kids clothes week spring 2012
- Jill Bolte Taylor- Stroke of Insight
- paperkarma
- a mighty girl
- danmala
- diy, recycled pallet house
- self taught lessons about learning and creativity
- so you liked Downton Abbey?
- a thousand reasons
- 6 tips on writing by John Steinbeck
- ginger grapefruit curd
- Beril Cicek
January 2012
- cuppow: turn a canning jar into a travel mug
- maia
- miso sesame winter squash
- orchestra of recycled instruments
- the well-lit doll house
- covet garden
- double dog dare
- five resolutions for a creative new year
- Whole Food Kitchen- Online Workshop
- making a Katwise sweater coat (amazing!)
- gingersnaps
- love this home/barn in the catskills
- annekata's new blog
- 20 ideas for gifts kids can make
- Action Pack-celebration issue
- Mother of All Releasings Ceremony
- the pace of paper whites
- blue horse no. 1
- tomorrow we disappear
- milk carton wreath
- lemony olive oil banana bread
- loving this home!
- mason jar spouts
- plastic bottles of daylight (amazing!)
- Halloween costumes and costume helpers via Crafty Crow
- leaf mug
- love this new collection!
- maggie's farm
- Artsy Ella
- Wendi's Sewing School
- Big Vision Podcast
- TED: Kathryn Schulz -on being wrong
- (vast!) paint chip project round up
- KCWC fall 2011
- Laura's new free pattern: Gee's Cabin
- Flora Bowley
- Suzy Pilgrim Waters
- Kirsten Crilly
- Cal Patch
- Urban Organica's Maya
- Thea Coughlin
- Jonatha
- Misty Mawn
- Jen Grey
- Michelle Madden Smith
- Corrine
- uncovered cover art
- homemade musical instruments for kids
- Carolina Chocolate Drops (via Mystic Vixen)
- Marcia's caboose
- Rachel Bone's "I bet you"
- Amber Dusick's new blog (which makes me laugh out loud!)
- SouLodge
- your are beautiful
- an interview with Beatrice Peltre of La Tartine Gourmande
- Make this: Nature Explorer Bag
- Hello Summer
- Queen of The Sun
- fudge popsicles
- Whip Up's guide to online E-Mags
- Molasses Cookie Ice Cream
- Sweet Paul's Summer Issue
- 1947 wedding dress made from parachute that saved groom's life
- Joey's Creative Gardening (container gardening extraordinairre!)
- summer job jars
- Sew Liberated's new patterns
- summer love
- Stitch Home Alabama fundraiser for the South
- Caroline Casey- looking past limits
- The moment is...
- leek toasts with blue cheese
- chalkboard tablet
- Tinker Lab's cardboard box challenge
- one quick bunny/needle felting time lapse with Laurie Sharp
- sink or swim
- thread caddy from Sewn By Hand
- Operation Bunny Drop (via Zencrafting)
- BIG Magazine: for creative kids and artists
- Peter and the Wolf puppet theater
- Austin Kleon: how to steal like an artist
- introducing art to your children
- Spring Nuno: Rustle
- JR's TED talk- Use Art to Turn the World Inside Out
- interview/podcast with
- Crafting For Courage
- how to bind a book
- students rebuild: Japan
- super heroes
- Sal Kahn on TED
- old faithful shop
- Paintsquare
- TED talks- Emily Pilloton on teaching desing for change
- Family take picture every year for 30 years
- Rhythm of the Home Spring
- india tree
- fetiche metalico
- the makers
- bread exchange
- antique general store paper cutter
- finger paintings by Judith Braun
- upcycle heart Valentines
- Callie Curry aka Swoon
- Maple sugar candy
- elly Mackay
- meyer lemon and grapefruit marmalade
- chalk board ideas
- 30 day vegan ecourse
- kale pesto
- TED talks- Brene Brown - the power of vulnerability
- a boro burlap suit
- Kirsty's Coffee Sack Stool
- Red Rabbit ( my mom's newest piece)

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