Friday, July 3, 2009

where will you go?

photo from a recent family hike at Treman.

This pillow give-away was so fun for me! I absolutely loved reading each of your travel fantasies. I got a chance to vicariously visit the world with YOUR travel dreams. I loved how so many of us found that our destinations were linked with memories and/or special people. Thanks for putting it out there openly and honestly. And hey, if you just wanted to be on a tropical island with a frozen drink and your sweetie... that was awesome, too. If you haven't read through the give-away comments, grab a cup of something good and put on your seat belt.

So who will be resting their weary head upon this little pillow? Gonzomama! She's says
"right now my husband and i are dreaming of going to italy. to live for a few years. he wants to study sculpture there, but right now it will take us a few years of planning and making things happen. but if i could i would snap my fingers and our little family would be on our way there now!"
Please e-mail me your mailing address so that I can send your pillow and owl right over. Thank you all for being such amazing friends and readers... I feel so lucky! Have a wonderful weekend... and if you're in the states have a great 4th!! Pin It


  1. I want to be having a picnic under that bridge in your photo. Gorgeous!!! I love when lush green nature consumes man made structures. Beauty.

  2. great idea! I came too late as I WAS travelling, indeed I have to travel more than I like. I'd rather stay at home in my lovely wooden cottage by the Irish North Atlanic. strange world!

  3. Congratulations Gonzomama!

    Wow, this bucket thing has really taken off - who would have guessed we were all so bucket deprived!!

    Loved the wholesome breakfast post below - what a good way to start the day!

    Have a super weekend,

  4. Wow..that bridge is incredibly peaceful.

  5. I just love that photo of the bridge! Looks so peaceful and beautiful.
