
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

feather meditation

The other day, I added some details to one of my stamps with a trusty micron pen.  I'd done this from time to time, but something about it struck a creative cord that needed to be plucked.
 All day I dreamed of watercolors with fine black lines. At 11pm, when I maybe I should have gone to bed, I put on my earbuds, gathered some paint and brushes and began the sweetest meditation I've done in months. It reminded me of the feeling I get when I carve stamps... but maybe even more soothing since there are no sharp tools involved.  I snapped a few pics with my phone of the process. It's super simple. You know, I like that.
 It was gentle. It was peaceful. And I had the best dreams... 
I awoke refreshed. Got the kids up, made my coffee and took a morning glimpse. This is what I saw. I'm super pleased. I can't wait for the the quiet of tonight to paint some more!
 Don't forget to leave a comment before tomorrow to have a chance at winning a beautiful hardcover copy of SHE... Your chances are pretty good this time around, so go for it!


  1. I've been doing the exact same thing lately! Isn't it wonderful? I've been painting them on some old receipts and correspondence from the 1800s and they are beautiful. I must post. Love these, Maya P. And love you!!

    1. Tingle! twin feathers... love the idea of painting them on bits of history. love you right back!

  2. They are wonderful Maya! I really like the photo of you painting the purple feather. That colour just glistens. And I too have been doing feathers lately. How funny is that!

  3. So beautiful....have to give it a try. I love the idea of late night crafting, sounds so peaceful.

    1. Please do try it- peace really comes when the house goes to sleep.

  4. Simply. Beautiful.....SHE would be great to win, but I would love to win that watercolor! Since that's not what was offered, you have inspired me to try my hand at it. Now where are those watercolors?!

  5. I find when I Zentangle I get the same feeling. I can Zentangle anywhere and use it as a meditation when life is getting overwhelming.

    1. I have to try a Zentangle book one of these days!

  6. I woke up this morning with feathers on my mind too! Today is my b-day so once my kiddos are in bed, I shall celebrate, tonight by finishing up my painting!

    1. Happy Birthday... hope you got your bday wish!

  7. Thanks for the reminder of the calming power of watercolors. I think I'll set aside some time today with my brushes too :)

    1. The ink afterwards is also soothing, but the watercolors do open the doors to CALM.

  8. I love the idea of adding on to something that has been made. It really take a craft to another level. These are beautiful!

  9. Beautiful flow. I felt relaxed just looking at these photos. So very nice and inspiring. SHE is what I'm waiting for now but until then, I will put my brush to the paint and the paper and "feather".
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Heather! We need to have a creative evening together one day!

  11. Do you know this person?

    Your paintings today remind me of her work. :)

    1. What a huge compliment! Thank you. Golly Bard's watercolors are stunning... and in a class by themselves.

  12. Beautiful Maya!
    The feather immediately reminded me of some of the zentangles I have been doing. Have you checked out the book "One Zentangle a Day - a 6 week course in creative drawing for relaxation, inspiration, and fun". The title had me the minute I saw it so I bought the book and it's rekindled my love of drawing!

  13. I wish I bad seen this last night when I was up with insomnia until 3am !

  14. I hope I'm not too late for the book contest! LOVING those feathers, Maya!

  15. I love the idea of the late-night meditation and the peek at your results in the morning. So glad you gave yourself the time. You're an inspiration.

  16. Love those feathers, so pretty would look lovely framed :) Hope I'm not late for the contest :)

  17. I am completely in love with those feathers. I don't paint or draw but I agree that watercolor and ink are so great together. I might give something a try..and hope it is meditative and not frustrating lol Yes to them framed!!
