
Monday, March 3, 2014

SHE- a review and giveaway!

  It's a new month... it's a fresh week! We're heading towards spring, whether today's snow flurries likes it or not! There is a hint of good beginnings in the air, and I'm certain that this new book has contributed to my enthusiasm about where I'm headed. And yes- this is yet another wonderful project that one of the many awesome women in my life has just brought into the world. Big cheers for Liz Kalloch who co-authored (with Mary Anne Radmacher) and illustrated SHE I'm thrilled to point you towards this treasure that is sure to remind what is so easily forgotten- HOW AMAZING YOU ARE... AND HOW FABULOUS IT IS TO BE A WOMAN! SHE offers inspiration and wisdom through care-fully crafted love letters and insightful quotes married to gorgeous images. Every page feels like a personal gift for you and every friend, sister, mother and daughter you know. I can't think of a book that has prompted me so swiftly to get copies for every woman I love.  
Here is how Liz describes it:
She is a book of qualities illustrating the greatness of all women. From "everywoman" to role models such as Hillary Clinton and Madeline Albright to visionary artist Shiloh McCloud and poet Maya Stein, these many women represent the very best in the human spirit. 

Mary Anne Radmacher and I gathered a short list of 25 qualities we see in women, that we found to be the most compelling, along with advice and sustenance for a life's journey. We cover topics of leadership, friendship, purpose, adventurousness, cooperation, collaboration, risk-taking, resourcefulness, happiness, compassion, what it is to inspire and much more.

Each page spread features a collection of vintage art and ephemera elegantly designed by me paired with a love letter by Mary Anne Radmacher to each quality along with a tribute to women's strength, character, and the extraordinary capabilities within each and every woman. SHE gathers the wisdom of many wise women including Madeleine L'Engle, Laura Schlessinger, Erica Jong, Rachel Carson, Oprah Winfrey, Christine Mason Miller, Harper Lee, Lucille Ball, Mother Teresa, Pearl Buck, Cheri Huber, Julia Child, Drew Barrymore, and many more.

Although it is available on Amazon, Liz and Mary Ann are embarking on a west coast book tour, and when you purchase books or cards from Liz's Etsy SHE shop it will go directly to funding their trip. So, I am pointing you directly there. THE SHE SHOP.

They are also offering a copy for one you. Please leave a comment below before Thursday, March 6th, to enter- and remember to leave your email if it's not linked. I will announce a randomly selected winner on Friday.

If (and only if) you feel like sharing,  I'd enjoy hearing what quality of greatness you'd love to wear more freely each day... whatever comes to mind. I know you don't have the book yet! Ha!


  1. This looks look a great read. I'd love to share my creativity. I teach art and am I working paper artist.

    1. oops pardon the typo- should have been: I teach and I am a working handmade paper artist.

  2. Oh, what a lovely book! After hearing a lot about Brené Brown, lately and getting pumped to read her book, I'd love to wear 'Daring' more freely. This would be a great book for my daughter, as well, as she is almost thirteen.

  3. Oh my goodness! This is SUCH a book I need in my life right now!

  4. What a great book and one that I think all women would love to read.
    I would love to wear confidence each day, I'm working on it :)

  5. This looks a great book - I don't know if I can join in from England but like Tracey I'd love confidence!

  6. What a great book! Oh I would love to "wear" my head high above the awful things happening in my country lately!AriadnefromGreece!

  7. I don't know what I need to wear more lately. I feel pretty balances. I know I shoudn't say that, something horrible will come, but I do.

  8. Lovely book. I will buy some for perfect gifts.

  9. I would love to be a more confident me.

  10. This looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win!

    abackman66 at

  11. This book reminds me of my best friend who passed away last week. She was a woman of great passion for deeper relationships with women, no time for superficiality, real stuff, real conversation, real friendship. I miss her dearly and in her honor, I'd love the book but to whoever may win this amazing book, may you cut through the crust and get into the deep and lasting friendships of your life. Then maybe it will be me!

  12. My 14 year old was just looking for a book like this the other day!
    I'd say I would like to wear gentleness a bit more. I tend to demonstrate strength for my girls, and gentleness tends to take a backseat. I think they are equally important, though.

  13. Seems an inspiring book!! Every woman needs to remember herself how great is to be a woman!

  14. Would love this book to share with my daughter. Women need to celebrate their unique ability to wear so many different hats. While it can be burdensome at times, the multifacted roles we play, and play well, should be seen more often as a triumph.

  15. This looks like a wonderful book!

  16. ohhhhhhh ::LOVE::!

    jennifer (at) jenniferalllison (dot) net

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. this book looks gorgeous and from what i can see, offers such a powerful and uplifting message! thanks for the opportunity! <3

  19. Looks interesting. I'd love to wear my creativity more freely - unfortunately "The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers".

  20. This book looks fascinating and beautiful. I would like to wear peace more openly. I find myself struggling to maintain a strength and calm in the midst of the small struggles of my day. I know it's because of bigger issues that are outside my control, yet they nevertheless erode my ability to experience the joy of my kids and my home.

  21. This sounds like an amazing book, thanks for the chance to win, Maya!

  22. Looks fantastic! I am reading Joseph Campbell's Goddesses in prep for Elizabeth's course on Myths ... so excited! And doing "research" to ready myself for my little goddess-in-training :) We mothers need to band together for inspiration! Love to you - always so much goodness here! xo

  23. It looks a lovely and inspiring book, thanks for the chance!

  24. This is a perfect book for a friend of mine. She just recently went through a divorce, lost her home, lost her job, but still kept on going, for her and her two sons. She's been such an inspiration to me and her other friends. This book would be perfect for me to give to her to let her know how much I admire her strength.

  25. I almost would not comment, being a bit of the hesitating sort, sometimes. This looks like a very inspirational read, one I could do with right now.
    Things are about to be changing; I have been thinking about change for a long time now; but what direction do I dare to go; away is a bit too hazy for my liking.
    So I am still looking for my courage to chose my way; where my fire is, where my passion may get me into action.
    Reading and re-reading your blog helps a lot, so thank you, dear Maya, for sharing, for your ideas, for your recommendations and everything - you have inspired me to allow my desire grow and seeded ideas to nurture it =)
