
Friday, March 7, 2014

feeling good!

 I've dappled in water colors my whole life without any training, consistency or end goal.  I just know that they make me feel good when I use them. Definitely a process tool for me.  I had no idea what a sweet response I would get from a couple of feathers. Thank you! I think they've become the springboard for something new and so very fun... so don't be surprised if you see a few more soon. These next ones were detailed with white ink, rather than a micron. But my trusty microns are waiting for me to return to them tonight. They're are definitely calling me... Microns are also the tool of choice on Creativebug's newest workshop- a 4 week drawing class with Lisa Congdon.  Thanks Rebecca, for pointing me towards it. I'm in that juicy place where I'm ripe with new ideas, so the timing couldn't be more perfect for fresh inspiration and guidance. I watched last night and am all fired up. Give it a try! (Subscriptions at Creativebug are now only $10 a month and that includes EVERY workshop imaginable.)
The combination of doing new things, using bright colors and immersing myself in my nightly read of SHE, has helped me jumpstart my way into a fresh season, even though I can't see the ground beneath the snow yet. The first week of March has been a good one!

And now I'm so pleased that I get to announce the winner of her own copy of SHE...

this book looks gorgeous and from what i can see, offers such a powerful and uplifting message! thanks for the opportunity.

Congratulations! I will email you for your address!

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!


  1. the feathers are beautiful. I am just about to do some feather drawings with my year 2 children at school. xxx

  2. maya!!!! oh my goodness! thank you SO much! can't wait to get inspired by this beautiful book! xoxo
