November always inspires the need to recreate our home to accommodate the increased hours spent inside. Our sunroom has been the playroom for 12 years, and it's always been a wonderful bright and inviting space. Over time, toys were outgrown but remained in place out of nostalgia coupled with inertia. Recently, it started resembling a ghost town and was definitely underutilized real estate in our little cottage. Here's a post from a while back that will give you an idea of the "before" in the final photo.
With the purchase of a large new (to us) desk for my son (thank you Mimi's Attic!), lots of ripple effects have taken place. The best part was the go ahead to purge toys and make room for crafts and games in the sunroom. Wahoo! We moved our old art desk (originally a kitchen table with the legs sawed off!) under a huge window and brought in the craft cabinet and pegboard display. Oh what a difference it makes to this room... and the space it frees up in the other part of our house is super exciting. I'll be sure to share as that evolves into more of homework station/den (for teens).
Paying attention to the ever changing needs of our children does include an awareness of how their environment impacts their growth. Creating spaces that invited independence and work with their peers was what both of my children were calling for in their own ways. Before this craft corner was even completed it felt like a success. Two different playdates each revolved around not leaving this room... even as the dark settled in, as you can see here! I have a little space heater that will give it extra warmth during the snowy season ahead. But truly, it couldn't be a more cheerful space, wouldn't you agree?
Geninne's bird banner was bought locally at Alphabet Soup, but you can purchase it here too... since her shop is on break for the holidays.

Maya, you inspire me! Our basement looks like a museum of 'baby' toys, and my baby girl is now 12 and no longer interested in her play kitchen or dolls. (sniff) Seeing your post on your sunroom reinvention for your now-big kids, gives me a push to do the same. I'll find a corner for the baby toys that will live again for grandchildren one day, and instead reinvent the space to satisfy my growing kids. What a great project for the new year!
ReplyDeleteAahh... a craft corner wonderful, love the small table and chairs :)