Monday, February 25, 2013

a winning monday!

 I can't believe that by week's end we will be entering March! For those of us in the Northeast, that's some pretty exciting movement towards spring.

Little announcements:
1. Babble selected maya*made as one of the top 50 craft blogs (for the third year in a row). Yay!

2. My local Sustainable Tompkins chose Reinvention for one of its annual  "Signs of Sustainability" awards. Love where I live!

3. And don't you want to know who to congratulate for winning the Mikodesign diy Frida doll kit?

Oh yes please, she is just divine!! Thanks so much for the chance to win her! She will love Australia......!
 Evi- I'm sending your mailing info to Erika this morning!

Such a nice and hopeful way to end this month.

I was recently surprised with a complimentary/review copy of  Creative Lettering by my friend Jenny Doh. Thanks Jenny! The timing couldn't have been better, as I've been wanting to bring more hand lettering into my work and had just bought The Little Book of Lettering for inspiration. They are a perfect pair together.

The latter is pure eye candy, while Jenny's book offers lots of comprehensive techniques and projects from multiple artists who incorporate letters into everything they do. I've always been satisfied with my printing and cursive- but never felt that my "artistic lettering" was as up to snuff as I'd like it to be. I'm putting an end to that! Experimenting with and fine tuning our creative passions is so accessible now. Between the plethora of wonderful how-to books and the web, there's really nothing we can't teach ourselves. And what about you? Anything new you've been itching to try? It's a fresh new week and anything is possible...
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  1. oh oh oh!!! I've just popped in to peek at what is happening on mayamade before I start my day, and oh my, I"VE WON!!!! I'm so very excited, oh my goodness!! Thankyou so much Maya, for the giveaway and for all your words and works every few days!
    Interestingly, I had just decided last week that Frida was to be our next artist to study for home school..... and here she is! Serendipitous, I say!
    Have an awesome week..... I will !!!

  2. Love the creative lettering resource... I do some creative visual documentation when I teach child development classes. it's good for visual and spacial learners and a good creative outlet for me when I teach, thanks! Jill

  3. Perfect timing! We've started a family journal and I am finding myself needing some inspiration when it comes to ways to write out our gratitude lists! (Actually, more like "what I want to remember about this day" or "what were my favorite moments")

    I'm finishing up a sweater for my girl (have to sew it up - ugh! - my least favorite part of the process ... give me knitting needles any day!) and am eyeballing some of those beautiful embroidery kits shown on that temptress of the crafts, Soule mama's blog (thank you for my new obsession! Seems like I am stalking her in terms of knitting projects!) ... and then there is a cute knit shrug that would be nice for between seasons ...

  4. I've been catching up on some lovely blog reading, since I've been stuck on bed rest for the last few days. I'm itching to get up & do though! But, that's what got me in trouble in the first place. So I better rest.
