Thursday, November 22, 2012


Giving thanks for this exquisite dawn. Happy day to you friends!

This was today's sunrise. This earth of ours gives us daily reminders that there is always something to be thankful for... As long as we remain awake. Metaphorically, and in this morning's case- literally!

  I give thanks most of all for the amazing people in my life. And that definitely includes YOU! I am grateful for the beautiful land beneath my feet and the cozy home that shelters us. I feel like I can handle anything after this year, and that is something to truly rejoice in. Here's to everyone finding their peace, discovering their bliss and living with a sense of appreciation for every step along the path to get there. 
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  1. Awesome photo and post - so thankful for your writing and sharing - hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving !

  2. such a wonderful sunrise-happy Thanksgiving to you all (from germany)

  3. Beautifully said as always.
    Thank you for being the creative sensitive person you are, and for sharing with all of us.

  4. Your loved ones create one small heaven on earth for you, and just a treasured gift is enough to bring a smile on their face. Visit for more info.

  5. Giving thanks with you and for you too.
