
Monday, February 16, 2015


February break is in full swing. This year has felt like one long winter vacation with all of our snow days. My kids and I aren't complaining- we love cozy days and any excuse to hang out together. There's a ton of baking, music making, and crafting going on… I just don't have the ability to chronicle it the way I used to (thank goodness for Instagram).  Being a single mother has impacted blogging regularly, but it hasn't altered my priorities around time with my children. In fact, I believe it's only strengthened my desire to give them everything I've got. This love flows out to their friends too… which must be why we always have a full house! And why I might find myself ironing yards and yards of rainbow chevron fabric for a curtain making project.
Yesterday while snowed in, again, we stayed in pajamas to sew and knit… for hours. Listening to music and talking while handcrafting inspire a deep connecting that I want my daughter and her friends to experience.  I'm not opposed to technology for this next generation, but I'm determined to expose them to the kind of communication that doesn't involve hashtags. There is an art to sharing time together- and I believe it is our job to teach our children how to "operate without screens", as well as with them.
Connecting with a community online will most likely be part of their future, as it is ours right now while you read this. Showing these sweet girls what quiet REAL TIME TOGETHER feels like is essential. 


  1. Well done Maya, this is the best way to teach calm and joy to children. Xoxo, Giusy

  2. Nice post! A lovely blend of extolling the handmade and personal while not turning your back on technology.

  3. "I'm not opposed to technology for this next generation, but I'm determined to expose them to the kind of communication that doesn't involve hashtags. There is an art to sharing time together- and I believe it is our job to teach our children how to "operate without screens", as well as with them."

    I just LOVE that! I've actually copied it out, shared it on my FB... Echos what we try to do with our kids. A little while back, we took away the TV. People looked at us like we were savages. How could we deprive our children this way. But our home is filled with crafts, art, music, making of all kinds... laughter, playing, smiles and words exchanged... If it makes us savages, then let us be wild!

  4. i completely agree with you on all of this :) way to go... now i feel inspired to go do some sewing and knitting with my girls! such fun!

  5. love this one! i usually think of suggesting a craft to my daughter and her friends as giving them something fun to do together…but i like this reminder that it is also teaching them to enjoy time together spent doing something other than technology related things! thanks! :)
