
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

barn stitching

We are buried in snow these days… so I'm using my iPhone to capture the beauty and remind me of what an enchanted world I live in.
Slipping away to my mother's cozy barn always feels a bit dreamy. Yesterday I spent the morning quietly stitching a handmade coin purse (made from a red woolen blanket) for a February birthday girl. 
The rest of my day was non-stop action, but those hours of meditative silence among the trees carried me through. I hadn't forgotten how therapeutic hand sewing was, but I did wonder why I haven't done more of it this winter. 
So I'm dreaming of more slow stitching through the snowy days that lie ahead…


  1. I love that you can appreciate the beauty of this season, especially since so many folks here in the northeast complain incessantly about it. Also love the coin purse.. reminds me of a cardinal, appropriate for February.

    1. I don't always appreciate the season, Diana… it takes a lot of effort and energy to see beyond the shoveling sometimes. But if I stayed in that negative space, I'd miss out on so much. Thanks for recognizing my positive spin. Gives me incentive to keep holding up my lens to the beauty that surrounds me no matter its challenges. And a cardinal! Hadn't thought of that… perfect!

  2. Really pretty! The second and third photos need frames, for certain!! I spent the entire day in your three classes at CreativeBug. Love them all. It was such a joy and your teaching style is so warm, and engaging! I can't wait to get a hold of some burlap and Tyvek. Thank you so much for the wonderful day, Maya!

    1. I'm so excited to think we got to spend the day together!! Happy you enjoyed yourself, too. Have your friends on the look out for Tyvek in their mailbox and burlap can be found at most coffee roasters.

  3. I love how you draped all that beautiful snow over the trees. And I see there is a lot left for even more projects for the rest of the winter. Impressive! -- Jill

    1. Yes- worked hard on my exterior winter decorating… wink!
