
Thursday, February 4, 2010

miniature heart garland: tiny love part 2

I was so impressed with how excited you were about my "tiny love" project for my children. We all love little things so much! Well, I have enlisted the help of Grandma Bunny as I squirrel away diminutive gifts and decorations for this year's Valentine's Day. Don't you think she's the perfect partner? Why, you're not familiar with my daughter's dear rabbit? Please read her history right here.

I know you'd like to string some mini hearts, too... a medium sized child would be a perfect helper. It's quite simple. I cut out pink and red hearts from a catalog (just the right paper weight) and put a single stitch through each one with red thread... well actually, Grandma B. helped me whip it up. Her sweet flannel paws wield a needle better than you'd ever imagine!

You might be curious about what she's got tucked in her wee bucket... first the tiny package, now the bucket! I'd be curious, too. I'll see if maybe we can show you the contents of each next time.

I'll also share the lovely woman who inspired this miniature collection. Some of you have already guessed. Her initials are T.T. More soon!


  1. Oh Maya! That is the sweetest, tiniest thing ever! I love it are just amazing.

  2. awww how darling !
    Tasha Tudor !! Can't wait !

  3. I love the garland, but, oh!, the bunny....she reminds me of my "Emily-rabbit" that I had growing up...and still have, although she's not in near as fine of shape as she once was.

  4. Your creativity amazes me Maya. I just finished making your newspaper heart bunting, and now I will definitely make this!
    Thank you so much for all of your inspiration.

  5. Adorable! I love garlands anyway, but this mini version is just so sweet!!!

  6. What a beautiful mini garland! I love it!

  7. Oh..oh...oh! Teeny, tiny hearts. I'm in love, it's so beautifully gorgeous!

  8. well if that's not the sweetest little thing I've ever seen!!

    I want to make one for me right this minute and hang, I don't know! somewhere! :) maybe on a lampshade?!

  9. love that little garland. we will have to make that for my mother she has a sweet bunny very similar to this one that my grandmother made her about 20 years ago. thank you for the inspiration.

  10. oh, never cease to amaze me. this is the most precious thing ever and it's made to perfection.

  11. I've been reading the Knitter's Almanac, and you sound so like Elizabeth Zimmermann with the lovely familiarity of this phrase:
    "I know you'd like to string some mini hearts, too... a medium sized child would be a perfect helper. It's quite simple."
    Thanks for sharing your sweetness with us.

  12. i see my beloved country girl here...dawn..

    t.t. tasha tudor....another beloved

    these are so darling..i have to make some for my kitchen window...

    off to find the scissors...


  13. I'm going to show my daughter, I know she will want to make a garland for her dolls!

  14. That's a really pretty garland and I like Ms. Rabbit.
