Ahh! You know how much I love when a new month is on Monday- so fresh and good!
The above picture is from February 1st- three years ago. I remember just how fragile I felt as I carried those stitched paper map hearts into ithacamade for a February window installation. Giant heart maps- I was holding every metaphor with a death grip in those days. My internal GPS seemed to have worked- and I found my way. Happy February- I'm blowing a kiss to all of your tender hearts.
I announced the winner of the feather banner and Hope, Make, Heal on instagram just now. Congratulations @artytarsh! There will be more instagram giveaways coming soon. But for those of you not on instagram- I heard your messages and will find a way to include you, too in the future!

I think of you every February when I hang my paper heart garland, inspired by you! My grandkids enjoy the ones I made for them too. Thank you for that.