Wednesday, January 2, 2013

baby steps

I know that many of us are inspired to jump start some new habits right about now. I am returning self care to the top of my list. Without it, everything else suffers. I know that eating well and exercising last year kept me sane and grounded during a tumultuous time. I let it all slip in December. Now I'm greeting this year feeling less vital and vibrant than I wish. I know what to do that worked last year. Small steps. They get you further than a few leaps that wipe you out. I took the picture above earlier on my way to the wood pile. The icicles keep growing one drip at at time. No matter how often my kids rip them down for swords, they keep coming with a steady relentless (almost invisible) flow. That's what I want to do. Keep flowing slowly, but surely. Even when I get knocked off the roof!

So the next new bit of loving myself up will be through sleep. I know I've said it before, but I just can't seem to turn the lights off before midnight. Often 1am. ughh! I used to be super productive at night, but not these days... just awake. So baby steps begin tonight. I plan on starting with one early night a week and growing it from there. I'll report back to you. Are you making any subtle changes or shifts, too? Baby steps, I'm tellin' you!
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  1. Same problem here. Entirely too much sugar intake and not enough sleep. It's time for renewal of healthy habits in order to feel stronger and more focused. I know slow and steady is supposed to be the way to accomplish long lasting results and I'm going to give it a try. My natural inclination is to look for the quickest way, so I need to practice patience and discipline while I'm at it :-)

    1. Oh Dianne, me too. The quickest way never sustains me for long though. Think of you lots, as always. xx

  2. Bad eating habits, bad sleeping habits,crazy erratic days and nights. January always welcomes a grateful return to schedule. Who knew I would end up loving it so much.

    Needed the reminder to take baby steps, thanks.

  3. Deep breath. Yes. I agree whole heartedly with all you say here. Self care is up on my list too. Happy New Year!

  4. I'm beginning a meditation practice after years of not doing anything. I'm starrting out slowly and progressing from there. I'm also doing a cleanse with my husband this weekend. My body is screaming.

    1. Yay Missy! My morning meditation practice is next on the list. I wish you peace.

  5. Instead of 1 early night a week, what about 15 minutes earlier each night for a while, and slowly increasing it until you've achieved a "reasonable" bedtime?
    I am personally "early to bed, early to rise", so staying up for social events is my challenge!


    1. not sure that I could do it this way, but maybe I just need to try first. lovely suggestion.

  6. wise words. good to practice. we need to be healthy. otherwise we aren't any help to those who rely on us.
    take care. the creative parts of you will thank you too! xo

    1. I think you are so right about the creative parts.

  7. Yes! I'm with you. I've been pushing my bedtime a bit earlier each day as well and that seems to work (sometimes) for me. I also added much more exercise to my routines last year and have kept it up for the most part. I can't quite put my finger on what I need right now. I think I'll just keep growing one drip at a time until something calls out to me that I need. Thanks for that thought. xo

    1. one drip at a time... you have plenty on your plate, my friend!

  8. i am, i think, coming at the sleep thing from the other direction. instead of making myself go to bed at a certain time, i have decided to get UP the same time every day whether i work or not, and then go to bed when i am tired. imposing a bedtime on myself makes my inner rebel...ehrm...rebel. :P

    other than that i am starting the year by creating more space. for me and for creativity and for happiness in general.

    1. Here's to early rising, creativity and happiness for you Janna!

  9. I'm working on clean eating (whole foods). Little by little, recipe by recipe, healthy snack by healthy snack. I love your word picture -- drop by drop and icicle is made.

    1. I like to think of it as a privilege to be able to choose healthy food, then I appreciate it more and don't reach for the easy, less nutritious fare. one recipe at a time;)

  10. I'm working on picking up thing around the house when I see them and not later. I have two little ones both under 4 and it seem like I can never get out from under all the stuff they put around all day. So I decided I would model the behavior I want and pick not pass by the messes. Sleep sleep would be a good goal as well. But once again I struggle to find alone time except for at night. Maybe like you one night a week would be a good goal.

    1. yes, it's that desire for solitary time that makes the midnight oil burn. try one night with me?

  11. Too much booze and sugar over the holidays :) I hardly ever consume either and now I am feeling less vibrant and tired, tired, tired. Bring on 2013 :) Thank you for sharing your moments throughout your rough times. I don't think you can imagine how much your posts have inspired me!

    1. I'm so honored that I might have touched you in some way. Happy new year, my friend!

  12. Drip on drip and eventually even a mountain gets worn away. I've learned this lesson that amazing things are accomplished by persistence. Eat well, sleep well and the world is yours.

  13. Yes to more sleep! I'm (re)trying to work it from both ends: going to bed a little earlier -- before midnight is already a good start -- and keeping a consistent rising time in the morning. I'm also trying to attack those piles by dealing with incoming mail the first time around. Baby steps...

  14. thank you. love this imagery. i'm working on reducing the sugar, increasing the sleep and creative time...little bits every day. consider me inspired. thank you.

    1. call me soon, ms. Kimm and we'll set a date for mutual encouragement/inspiration in person!

  15. I'll be doing some self-work too. I'm working on exercising more, which means getting to bed earlier so I can be up before the children to fit in exercise time. Good luck to all in their 2013 goals!

  16. Baby Steps - yes! Do you remember the Bill Murray movie "What About Bob?" He would shuffle about with his goldfish in a bowl around his neck and chant "baby steps, baby steps." I have that visual a lot!

    It really is the tortoise and the Hare; we want immediate results so plunge in full throttle and then either burn out or suffer from the intensity of our efforts (the all or nothing at all mentality) and then throw up our hands saying "I tried!" But little steps, taken with regularly, cover great distances. I think of the little inch worm making her way patiently up the tree trunk. (In the teachings of Yoga, success in practice is described as being "regular" and "sustained" or performed over a long period of time.) Cheering you on in self care! starting small and doable, that is so wise! (Do I need to call you one night a week to tell you to go to bed? Ah, how about making it your ritual night complete with steamed milk, a soak in the tub and a favorite book of poetry or novel before lights out?) xoxo

    1. I like your night ritual idea, Lis. I do versions of it, but not all together. Might be on my docket for tonight. xx
