
Monday, December 8, 2008

the holidays are almost here!

Hope you all had a great weekend! I've been sewing up a storm and will be happily pushing the list button at my shop at 2pm today. I've had so much fun being a little elf, but after today I'll be returning to my patient family. Not only are they missing me, but they're starting to wonder if I'll be making them anything for the holiday... you bet I've got an exciting and long list to cover! I am so looking forward to inviting them back into my studio and working on things together... hurray!
Above are some ornaments that I created from scraps of linen and coffee-sacks... and a little bit of stenciling. These will be available in the shop, today. I so loved making them and plan on more for friends. I'm thinking a tutorial of these will be featured in my series of Simple Gifts. I will have some non-sewing alternatives for those of you who'd rather stay away from a machine.

In Give-Away news: the winner of the elephant and bucket I made for The Crafty Crow readers was announced today... drum roll, please! Patricia, from Zen Crafting! I am sorry for any disappointed contestants, but I hope you'll all give her a big congratulations. What an amazing and miraculous world... she's one my dearest friends (not just virtual, either!) and my biggest supporter. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I read the news. She's entered every give-away I've had right here, but never been the winner. Hurray, Pat!!! I will be selling four little organic white elephants that look quite similar, but they might not go into the shop until tomorrow... I don't want to make a rushed item. Paying careful attention to each detail is my favorite part.

I've been thrilled with the responses I've gotten to the newspaper snowflake tutorial. So many of you have been out there making beautiful snowflakes! Have a creative start to your week!


  1. I'm so excited that Pat was the winner! How cool is that, and you don't have to mail it you can pass it to her in person!

  2. Jackie, I will SO demand a personal delivery!! I think Maya and I are both beyond exhausted at the moment, and this big, magical news that I won the Crafty Crow giveaway was what I needed to get me through my day. I'm thrilled! Thanks for being so generous, Maya, with your art!

  3. I love your ornaments!! They are GREAT!!

    Congrats Pat!!;)

  4. Those ornaments are really great!

  5. Ack! I missed all the big buckets! I am so glad your update went so well, and those ornaments are beautiful hun!

  6. Love the little ornaments! :) And congrats to Patricia!

  7. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story about your grandfather and beautiful snow flakes. I had a go at it late last night and was thinking about my late Papy who was also the crafty kind. Cutting the snowflake in the quite of the night while thinking of him I really felt the Magic of Christmas. Thank you for getting me to that special place.

  8. Congratulation on a very successful shop update Maya. It is very exciting to think of your beautiful buckets under so many Christmas trees this year or filled with special little treasures. I truly love everything you make with such sweetness and natural beauty. I don't think I saw anything as pure and beautiful in Lyon.
