I struggled all morning for words. Tears come every time I try. Luckily my daughter (so tuned into this historic day) asked "how do you spell... ?"
These are her words... she doesn't know how powerful they are... but she will. Our children's future just got brighter.
Just got amazing goosebumps all over from this post! Yes our children's world has a chance
ReplyDeleteI haven't been able to find the words yet, either... your daughter's words prove there really is hope, we really do have a chance. If only everyone could see this world through the eyes of a child.
ReplyDeleteYes! Last night my son asked me how do you spell "Brock Omama"? I love this feeling.
ReplyDeleteyour words bring tears to my eyes, what a very special day today is, and how vry happy and proud you must be. Marijke The netherlands
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your blog and am thrilled someone else feels the same way....I too choked up many times last night and this morning about history in the making, what an exciting time in all of our lives!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a strange feeling after so long without it! I'm savoring the novelty. I hope, I hope, I hope!!
ReplyDeletesuch an exciting moment in history, for the world...
ReplyDeletei cried trying to figure out which "lesser of two evils" to vote for.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love how the children are getting into the election. I am so thrilled!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely historic! You've given me goosebumps too.
ReplyDeleteI liked your blog. Now I need to delete it from my list. I don't want to log on to politics, just fun crafts.
ReplyDeleteI read your post on Tuesday and have been waiting to see your next post. I wasn't sure which way you wanted the vote to go. If Australia had a vote Obama would have been in before you guys woke up! We are several hours ahead :-)) I think the rest of the World has just had one enormous... Very Big Sigh! Thanks America!
ReplyDeleteWe watched the election into the small hours here in Ireland. I cried through the acceptance speech. I'm so glad to see this in my life time. I heard a quote on the radio this morning.
ReplyDelete"Rosa sat, so that Martin could walk.
Martin walked so that Barack could run.
Barack ran so that we all could fly."
Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I love hearing the enthusiastic international response. This is not, typically, a place I share my political beliefs... today was not a typical day. I will resume maya*made's usual content, but it didn't feel honest or real to ignore history and my feelings.
ReplyDeleteHello dear Maya. I am Marie-christine and i write you from France (Please excuse me, i do not speak American well). I read your attractive blog. I'm very very happy of the victory of Obama and the majority of the French people also. It is a big day for the whole world.
ReplyDeleteI've seen a lot of beautiful things on your blog. But this is the most beautiful of them all. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeletedarn you girlie...made me cry again...I can't seem to stop and I like it...we did our part to make our a better place for our wee ones...that's what mommas are for...xxoo
ReplyDeletei am so sorry that some of your readers were disappointed in your post. i think that whoever your candidate was this is quite an historic time. amazing that not that long ago black americans were not even allowed to vote. this is an american victory. look how far we have come.
ReplyDeleteanonymous should stay anonymous. I think our blogs are a part of ourselves and we can and do have the ability to express what ever is on our mind and hearts at any given time. I am not even american and Obama and the hope he stands for was certainly the most important part of my day today. The world is celebrating. My husband is in France and there was a huge party in Lyon at the American club to celebrate. France is so happy today , as is Canada. All over the news today was that one of the first things on our Prime Minister's agenda with Obama was to write a new North American Climate Control Agreement. You know how dear to my heart that issue is. Please thank you sweet daughter for me and tell her everything will be alright now :)
ReplyDeleteIt's incredible isn't it?
ReplyDeleteTo think just 40 years ago we were all kept apart by stupid rules & now OBAMA is the Prez!
Even way down here we well up at the thought...XXxx
I am so happy for our children/my grandchildren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing....amazing...hope...for all of us...OBAMA ROCKS !!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful blog. And I love that you are political. Change has come to America
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing that. My 4 year old was/is so excited and full of hope as well. And, it's your blog -- keep being as real as you feel.
ReplyDeleteAmen! The little ones were amazing...so in tune to the election process. I'm still getting goose bumps every time I think about it all.
ReplyDeleteYes...absolutely! I love this, our children's futures DID just get brighter! Happy, happy times.
I am soooo glad to see this post...so many children across the country are aware of the exitement and joy and HOPE that this election has created...can we change the voting age???
ReplyDeleteThat is soooo beautiful! You've got to see what my daughter drew...it's on my blog.
ReplyDeleteObama is a WORLD HERO!!!
YOu should hear the children talk about him in Sweden! You'd think he was their president elect too!
All week I've been crying off and on with JOY, pure JOY in my heart. I am proud to be AMERICAN, again!
I will stop by your blog again! Thanks for sharing this with us!
After reading everyone's comments, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your post on Obama & Hope. As a mother of 3, and blogger of 3, I've found that "most" blogs I visit for ideas and inspiration do not share in my political views. It was so refreshing to find your blog, because I can relate to your ideas and views! So while I do understand you wanting to keep it to the crafts, thank-you for posting about the amazing moment in history. And reading all of the international responses absolutely gave me tingles. Our world will be a better place because of Barack Obama! Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteWow, what do you guys know that I don't? I just don't understand why all the tears and goosebumps. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the choices offered for Prez were very good ones on either side but what I don't get is that if you care so much about your own children, what about the lives of the unborn? Are you selfish enough not to think past yourselfs and YOUR little ones? You "great" mommies surprise me.