
Thursday, September 11, 2008

pillow therapy

I made a pillow last night. It's a very comforting, as well as comfortable pillow. I know I've talked about this before, but you may not remember...or maybe you're a new friend...

When I have a lot going on and feel overwhelmed, I make something completely non-related to deadlines and "to do" lists. It's not a very logical act to disregard the things pressing and go in another direction, but it works wonders for me. Somehow, the unrestricted creating focuses and relaxes me like nothing else. When I'm done, I'm always able to tackle the more obligatory work happily...even the laundry! I usually opt for a simple softie or pincushion...this was a little more complicated...but that felt good. You might not notice in these photos, but there are black leaves in the floral fabric that pick up on the black cardinal silhouette (on fabric of choice). These two Amy Butler prints have been destined for couch pillows for sometime...I'll be making a second with a different bird soon.

I also got a chance to frame my grandfather's print (checked off of this list)'s underneath a silkscreen my father did in college.

So, I 'm I the only one with this little idiosyncrasy, or do others get creatively sidetracked as a means of relaxation (not to be confused with procrastination)? I should really ask, "what do you do to relax?"

Have a peaceful day.


  1. What beautiful words + images in this post! My favorite shot is the one of the two prints and the two vibrant flower/pots mirroring each other. So beautifully composed (appropriately enough, on your piano!)!

    Your pillow LOOKS very comforting, with the soothing patterns. I love your cardinal silhouette!

    I do get creatively sidetracked ALL the time. I think the crafty projects that I've been doing have been influencing my "real" work in a profound way, so I think it's essential to let myself get creatively sidetracked from time to time. It really helps unclog the brain to be more productive.

  2. When I'm not knitting, baking is my not-so-secret way of relaxing. As long as I'm not baking for a birthday party or family event, then I find the act of mixing the ingredients together, breaking eggs, measuring flour, even washing the dishes relaxing. It's very methodical and it helps that the end result is usually comfort food - like brownies or cinnamon buns.

  3. When I am not doing my professional job ( I have to make that clear or else ) I am continually sidetracked , so much so that I have no idea what or where the original track was or whether it even really existed in the first place. Jokes aside I still cook nutritious home made meals for the family, shop intelligently and attempt to keep a reasonably clean and healthy home but when a creative idea pops into my head I find it hard to ignore and I usually find the necessary materials and make it happen. If I absolutely can not do that I try to write it down in my journal for another day.

  4. My all time favorite way to relax is grab a glass of wine, a design mag, my favorite kitty and a blanket. Then I curl up on the couch and spend the evening reading and recharging my creative batteries. In the fall I like to switch to a chai tea and open the window to let in the cool fog.

    I think that I'm just "wasting" time relaxing, but all those clutter-free rooms in the magazines are sinking into my subconscious. By the time I'm done, I'm recharged and ready to get my house in order as well.

  5. I typically just get a new animal when I am feeling particularly overwhelmed, so I think your approach is a MUCH better idea! I will have to try it out.

  6. I am the same way! I love to create things and when I need a break from all my to dos I definately will get crafty. Sometimes if I think my hubby will be upset that i'm not doing something more productive...I'll just cook! He loves when I cook and he always thinks that if I'm in the kitchen it's for the greater family good or something. Truth is I adore cooking, and this is my way to relax! Shhhh don't tell him!

  7. I sometimes do the same thing!!! ALthough I wonder if it's procrastination on my part...? I do know that it does clear some creative pathways and help me focus more clearly on the job I'm supposed to be doing.

    I couldn't see the pics of your pillows :( . My computer plays funny games sometimes.

  8. Is there another way to deal with being overwhelmed? I view it as my muse stepping in to keep me happy...have to always follow your muse and "BEE RANDOM"

    Love birds and your pillow is fantastic, perfect interuption to say the least! Never neglect yourself!

  9. I just love hearing how everyone else finds their peace and calm! Yup...not alone :) I also find healing in cooking, baking, knitting, and a glass of wine with a magazine...but making something with fabric and stitches tends to be at the top of my list.

  10. I do the same thing. Sometimes my brain is so full, I go down to my sewing room and start poking around and make some odd item, like the primitive "pea hen" that sits on a wooden spindle which was on a cover of a craft magazine. I actually like it, but what to do with it? -- Michele

  11. I go running, the more stressed the farther I go. I love those pillows and designs. You are so talented. Can't decorate my couch while running the roads.

  12. I think I'm better under pressure so I leave everything to the last possible minute & then it does seem to come together.

    The run is my indulgence.

  13. I either weed my garden or yard--so addicting and yet therapeutic all at once! Or I cook. Then when my weeds are gone and my belly is full...I look for other ways to avoid the inevitable work! :-)

  14. love the pillow. i too like to squeeze a quick little craft in here and there. yesterday, instead of knitting a few rounds on one of the two socks i have on needles, i made a little cupcake pin cushion, ala betz white. it took me less than an hour and was oh so much fun. it wasn't on my to-do list, but i'm glad i did it anyway.

  15. I'm the same way, maybe a little ADHD, but it works for me. In our home, we call it puttering. I need to *putter*. If I say this to my family, they know I just need to rearrange a room, sew or paint something.

    The pillows are beautiful! I love that Amy Butler fabric.

  16. Love the pillow!

    No, you're not the only one. Last year, in the middle of my HUGE Christmas rush, dh came home to find me in my studio painting a watercolor landscape. Watercolors have not been my medium of choice in, oh I'll say, fifteen years!!! But it was the perfect release that inspired me to get back to packaging up all of my clients Christmas cards so that they could send them out on time. So in the end, everyone was happy!

  17. you're definitely not alone!

  18. That print is fabulous. what a lovely thing to own something created from a loved ones imagination.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I just found your blog and am so inspired.

    The pillow is so serene and pretty.

    I often cook when I need to relax, usually with a glass of red wine. But I also like to throw little projects together like a quick pair of pants for my toddler.

  21. Your blog is so interesting. My Grandma used to say-you relax when you change the jobs...
