
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

on my desk...

Well, I still have all of my big plans...but my time line seems to be changing. I had high hopes for completing many things this week, but alas here they sit on my desk. I've been pulled in quite a few different directions as we round the corner to September, and reality has set in...I can't do everything at once. I forget that sometimes, my enthusiasm always gets the best of me.

What did I do during nap time? Not cut freezer paper... nooo, I cut cucumbers and squash, picked tomatoes and green beans and made two batches of pesto. The garden can't wait...crafting can. Harvesting the food you grow is so satisfying. I can make stencils any time, but the days are numbered for picking vegetables.

I've been meaning to share with you...
-kiddio is having a great children 's swap.
-Folding Trees is a lovely site for paper crafting tutorials...found them when they recently featured my newspaper bunting...thanks!
-yarn storm is having a give-away with her wonderful book, The Gentle Art of Domesticity, as the prize
-Julie just made the newspaper bunting and has lovely photos of the process. I wish I had her courage with color...everything she touches is so vibrant!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Stencils I see, the embroidery hoop was confusing me. I held summer craft evenings on the porch a few summers ago and had to make a number of stencils and I didn't have the time to hand draw them all so I discovered if I cut the freezer paper regulation paper size I could scan the image and then print them directly onto the freezer paper in multiple copies. I then purchased a bunch of little nail scissors from the dollar store and let them cut them out themselves. These girls were teens but I didn't want them working with exacto knives even though I do keep suturing material in my first aid kit. I can't wait to get out to the organic farmers market this weekend after seeing your fantastic harvest.

  2. wow, that's a bumper crop from your garden. And it won't wait.
    It's exciting to see how everyone else spends their day!

  3. Is your desk always so organized? I'm jealous. And those mini mushrooms are adorable, a lovely touch. Any tips for freezer paper stencils? I just won some and I'm itching to make some up.

  4. What's the Bunny Babies book? It looks adorable!!

  5. Hi Maya! Your harvest looks beautiful! I have a fistful of seed packets to put in for our cool-weather crop (I've not tried this before!)--turnips, parsnips, snap peas, lettuces, greens...and pumpkins yet to ripen, plus our tomatoes are going strong. My grocery bill has never been so low (if only we had a cow!).
    Also, thanks for passing along the link to my's going to be such fun! I can't wait for boycraft month either--I can really use everyone's inspiration to get my boy crafting.

  6. Thanks for all of the info! Added kids to the swap, commented for the beautiful book and actually saw the newspaper bunting already, but ya really are a wealth of info today! ^V^!

  7. I can relate to the enthusiasm issue.

    I'm so impressed that all those vegies came from your garden. How wonderful!

  8. I just started reading your blog last week, and I am amazed and inspired by all you do! I made a bunting banner last weekend for my sis's birthday in place of a card, and she loves it. I'm working on another one to welcome my niece's newborn son. Thanks.

  9. well, chocolate sauce definitely gets me all giddy but so does that picture of all your beautiful vegetables!

    i love that you are celebrating these recently forgotten homesteader arts of pickling and preserving. yay!
