
Thursday, May 22, 2008

my little corners

I love flikr's Corners of My Home pool. I find so much inspiration in this totally diverse group... and get to satisfy that little voyeuristic side of myself, as well. It's also fun to share little nooks and crannies from my own space. My house is an old 1850's Federal with hand hewn beams, exposed support pillars, original wide plank floors, and built in cabinets. In the 1970's it was remodeled using reclaimed barn wood. It's exciting to open the doors to the world ....and not have to clean every room! On a GOOD housecleaning day I can always find a picture or two...but on an AVERAGE day the corners seem to get very small and I have to scoot the toys and laundry out of the frame. Every now and then, I'd like to introduce you to a new room. Let's think of it as the house tour I wish I could give to my local friends and guests...each room perfectly arranged with lovely vignettes set up for viewing... Phew! This is sounding a little controlled, maybe someday I'll have to sneak in a few shots of the laundry mountain that is chronically waiting to be folded. In the meantime...step through the back door and check out the mail/key organizer my mother and son built one afternoon last summer...all with materials we had around the house.
Before it went up, the first thing you'd see upon entering was the side of our fridge covered with tons of notes and photos...not very tidy. Grandma N and Son took some old barn wood we had in the shed and framed it like a door. My mother had just gotten a vintage chocolate box at a garage sale...perfect for incoming mail. They attached an over-sized antique clothespin (auction) to the side for outgoing mail. The mirror(another thrifty find) already had hooks attached! Voila!It's funky and rustic, but so is a lot of our house. This would be easy to reproduce in your own home using an interesting old door. Architectural salvage stores are a treasure trove for old doors and vintage hooks. It's easy to customize it to your own personal style with a little paint, etc.
Now, come on into my kitchen/dining room/living room.

Would you like a cup of tea, or perhaps some lemonade...seem to have a lot of lemons today!


  1. Oh my goodness! Your house seems to be so beautiful! I would like to have some tea there with you, of course. It's all so cozy and warm. I love this kind of wooden thing, not like a cabin but stronger and older. Makes me think I am somewhere inside a children's book, or a special adventure.
    I love thar flickr group too!

  2. Your house is full of wonderful treats for the eye! The handmade organizer is so functional, AND it's got that great rustic charm that works so well with the rest of your home. I love the wide-plank floors and your vintage bowls.

  3. Wow I love it, I used to live in a turn of the century farm house and we had planks on the ceilings and beams. It reminds me of that house, it was cozy as yours seems ot be. Keep the pictures coming I love to see all of it. Thanks for sharing

  4. I WANT YOUR HOUSE. I live in a boring split level in the burbs, but your's is what I covet.

  5. I hesitated before posting this, now I'm so happy I did. I know it's not a home everyone would love, but it's been good to us for seven years. I'm so glad you all enjoyed it, and can't wait to invite you over again!
