
Saturday, May 24, 2008

garden day

We all headed out to the garden today. It's been very neglected this busy spring and we've never started planting this late! I was feeling a little overwhelmed as we trotted down with our wheelbarrows and tools, but the site of my daughter, carefree and happy (without a clue that the peas should have gone in weeks ago), helped release some angst. We'll do all that we can more and no less...and it will be enough.
The morning was beautiful, and I'm happy to report that the garden beds were much easier to weed because I had used the lasagna method last year. I think I go through this panic every year (even when we start earlier in the season). How will we get it all done? Working outside with children is one the most pleasurable things you can share with them and one of the the most challenging if you have a specific goal/chore. A child's attention span is never nearly as long as you'd like it to be. To ensure their happiness while we dig, hoe, and sow our seeds, we include them in every stage and then have back-up activities. A perennial favorite is our collection of "bug catchers". We keep these handy to invite an insect or two for a temporary visit. After a thorough observation of our new friends, we release them back to their "natural habitat".
Bug house on left: from Germany and very solid
Bug house in middle: brought back from the Javanese bird market (by my mother)
Bug house on right: $1-2 from Target (always good to have an extra for a friend)


  1. I love the photo of little miss with her wheelbarrow. Oh my gosh, what a beautiful photo!

  2. Thank you! I have to admit, I love this photo too! Can you tell I'm very romantic? I have all of these wonderful notions of how things should "look". The reality doesn't always match my vision...but when it does...I get the shivers!

  3. Hi, I'm Trachelle. Just found your blog on the Crafty Crow. Loving all your great ideas.

    Yesterday, I was thinking I needed some kind of alternative activity for when the little boys get tired of digging in the garden with me. Those bug catchers are it! Thanks! :-)
