
Friday, January 23, 2015


I never shared my word for this year. It didn't come easily. There was a lot of searching and listening well into the first week of January. I knew it didn't matter when I found it, but I was starting to get frustrated as one word after the other didn't fit. And then I let go. And of course, that was the answer to not only it appearing… but essentially WHAT that word was. RELEASE. Upon claiming it… lots of things instantly fell away or loosened enough to begin what will be a very important year. A year of release in my home, my life, and my work. From new books and projects being released into the world to  letting go of things that have bound me for so long. It's time. I'm ready.

And so my scheduled bliss-art day arrived this morning. I chose to focus on what my word for 2015 represents to me. 
 I made little watercolor illustrations to remind me. They'll be finished up with some string and shared here on Monday when I  hang them as a watercolor banner of release symbolism. The couple of  hours set aside to play with my box of paints was a true gift. Hope you can make a little time to play also!

Happy Weekend!


  1. That is one powerful word! I love it, and your art. You have such a calming style.
    And I never tire of feathers.

  2. Love it, how you found it (or it found you) and how you make space for it.
    Calming style is so true! Thank you for sharing! And inspiring!

  3. powerful, perfect world... and beautiful art to go with it... love and inspired by all of this :)
