
Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Peeking in after the longest (and totally spontaneous) blog break ever! The day I wrote my last post, was the day that the flu knocked on our front door. It paid visits to each of us, and didn't leave until a few days before Christmas. What a lesson in letting go… and yet, I couldn't really. So I scrambled and I hustled. And out of town visitors were welcomed, Santa still came, and a tenth birthday was celebrated in style… all in matter of days. The amount of cooking/baking, thoughtful planning and lack of sleep that I muster around this time of year always boggles my mind. I know I'm not alone. The rewards in the moment are fabulous… laughter, love, excitement. But it's the after story, that I enjoy most. This week of quiet and peace. The slow movement of the hours. The leftovers of treats and presents. The new books and cups of hot beverages. Slippers and pajamas till noon… or longer. This year we've added a new tradition- the purge. We are cleaning out closets and taking stock… slowly and in pjs, of course. And as I think about the year we are leaving behind- and all that I look forward to for 2015, I have printed out my favorite tool for annual reflection- Susannah Conway's Unraveling the Year Ahead.
I highly recommend taking some time to contemplate all that has come to pass and what intentions you'd like to set for the future. Susannah's free work book gives me just the right jumpstart each New Year. Wishing you all much peace and love as we hang our new calendars!


  1. Thank you for sharing. I don't normally take online classes, but for whatever reason I feel compelled to try this one. I'm shedding old skin and taking new paths, so any support feels good. :)

    oh, and I am big on purging lol

  2. I am so sorry you all were hit by the flu! Sounds like you rallied and had a fabulous Holiday anyway.
    I always feel a sense of hope and calm after reading your posts.
    Thank you for that.
    Happy New year to you and your family!

    1. It's so nice to hear my posts offer you that. Thank you! Happy New year to you and yours!

  3. Hoping you are feeling well and enthused for your purging project!
    JOY-full New Year to you and yours.

  4. Happy New Year and Happy Belated Birthday to your family member with a Christmas-time birthday. My birthday is Christmas Day, my grandmother's was the 22nd, and my dad's, the 29th, so I know what it must have meant to your ten-year-old that you took time to celebrate this birthday in style.

    1. Happy birthday!! You certainly have an insight on this holiday like no other!

  5. Glad you are able to enjoy the lull and ease of After-holidays. I know I will be sad come Monday as I have enjoyed the lazy mornings and no packed lunches! I've been in an unusual baking-mood ... must be my way of processing grief: warm and sweet and fresh out of the oven! Happy New Year! xo

    1. I have found that baking and cooking both soothe an aching heart. I'm sure this was a challenging holiday for you Lis.The whole world must feel different. You are in my heart always. xox

  6. Thank you for introducing us to this neat workbook. I'm looking forward to diving in.

    1. It's a good one! So wonderful that Susannah keeps offering.

  7. Oh how the in-between days fill me with joy! I'm happy you were able to muscle through your flu and have a lovely holiday. Thank you for the link and happy new year!

