
Monday, December 1, 2014

counting the days!

I woke up to my daughter crowing "Happy December!".  It's her birthday in a few weeks, and no one is more excited for this favorite month to begin than she is. Candy canes, eggnog and carols have been everywhere for some time, but we wait patiently until the first of the month… and then we throw open the doors! I brought down decorations from the attic this morning and am setting up our advent calendar for when the kids return home this afternoon. I've saved all three of my TP Tube countdown calendars and am always so relieved to have one ready to go each year when I turn the calendar page.
Don't think it's too late to make one… in fact, I know a mom who made one a day starting on the first day. Adding each addition was part of the count down activity itself. Talk about working creatively with time constraints! If you don't have 24 tubes handy, folded over card stock works nicely too.
Links to calendars of years past:

counting down

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. It is too late for this year but I will save this and try and remember for next year's advent.

    What do you put inside the tubes?

