
Tuesday, November 4, 2014


The days are certainly feeling shorter now that the darkness descends upon our little house so early. My thoughts have turned toward the holidays, gatherings, gifts, and feasts. The last few years have taught me so much about simplification. My focus is now on spending more cozy time with my favorite people and not get swept up in the chaotic energy that arrives with making and buying stuff. Of course, it goes without saying that I love handmade and there are tons of ideas and projects I'm excited about, but the pressure to MAKE gifts with all of the deadlines that this season presents can feel oppressive and overwhelming if I'm overly zealous. I'm sure you know that feeling.  So, I'm giving some careful thought towards how I want to proceed. Managing time with gentleness rather than a crowbar, trying to cram as much into each day as possible, seems like the intention I'm looking for. The crafts, decor, and meals I'm brainstorming are less about ambition and more about pleasure and fun. Doesn't that sound so good? I can't be the only one that loves the idea of abundant delicious ease. On that note, the crockpot is coming out of the cabinet after I press post! 


  1. Oh, yes! Every year my goals get fewer and simpler. I want to enjoy the season along with my loved ones and friends.

  2. I'd love to hear what you put in the crockpot, and what you're creating for gifts this year.

  3. Hello dear friend!
    We are once again in the same head space! Here in Canada November 1st marks the beginning of the "Christmas season" as Thanksgiving and Hallowe'en are both in October. I too have been thinking how to simplify the gifts and the decorations and leave bigger chunks of time for the celebrating part. As always I love to see your beautiful holiday creations, your home is so lovely decked out for the holidays!
    Be well,
    ~ joey ~
