
Friday, September 26, 2014


This back to school/work schedule has the tendency to overwhelm a lot of us. There are tons of little colds and coughs that seem to be going around and I'm on a mission to keep my immune system super strong. I'm healthier than I've ever been- and want to avoid being under the weather at all costs. So I'm upping the self-care and bringing back my green smoothie habit. I let it slide over the summer. I was eating so much raw and fresh produce, it seemed redundant. Now- it's time again to be juicing and throwing lots of kale into the blender. Just got replenished my chia seed supply too! How about you? How are you taking care of yourself during the transition into a new season and rhythm? Or maybe I should ask- what healthy habits would you like to begin this fall?


  1. I need to do the same thing Maya. With all the fresh fruits and vegetables coming in I stopped making my green juice, but they need to reappear. Over the summer I always seem to meet my water requirements, but as soon as the weather cools off I find myself drinking more hot teas and water gets pushed aside so I am making a conscience effort to drink enough water too. Enjoy a beautiful weekend.

  2. Hi miss Maya! With the flurry of the fall (can't agree more on the beautiful light in October!) I am just now catching up on your blog posts. I let it go for a while, and when I return, your blog posts and photos are like a warm blanket. Thank you for sharing your writing workshop information as well as the ANIMYST information. Anyway, I wanted to ask...what is your favourite green drink recipe? I received a Nutribullet last year for Christmas and loved it, but it definitely took the back row during the summer as well!
