
Friday, April 18, 2014

watercolor paper eggs

What a relief to come up with an easy last minute alternative to egg dyeing.  Don't get me wrong, decorating eggs is one of my favorite traditions this time of year. I'm just feeling a bit protective of the few precious eggs our two sweet hens have just begun sharing again.  I often feel wasteful because after all of the handling and hiding and hunting that those pretty painted eggs endure- not much eating happens to these dyed varieties. Over the years, I've limited it to boiling or blowing a dozen eggs. That's 4 a piece for the three of us. Not nearly enough for family of makers. We always long for more. I love offering a sense of abundance wherever I can.
So, this morning I started cutting out eggs from stiff water color paper. Lots of them. With promises of more if we ran out. We brought out the crayons and watercolors and this is what happened...
Simple. Satisfying. Holes were punched. String was looped. Onto branches they went. No fear of cracks or breaks. And we keep making them.
 Of course,  there is still the plan to dye a dozen, but I have a feeling we'll be satiated this year...