
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

blogiversary bucket giveaway!

This week marks 6 years of maya*made! It has offered so many tremendous gifts along with an unexpected career... True confidence in my creativity, dozens of publishing opportunities, a new lens to view my world, inspiring collaborations, loving friendships, and a connection to all of you amazing folks that stop by regularly to see what's new. I think we need a little celebration, don't you?

Every party needs a treat... these congo bars have been a huge success. Three batches in 4 days (ok one was for my son's bake sale, but still!) means they meet my standard baking criteria: they must be quick and easy... and of course make my kids ask for "just one more, pleeeeeease". I used this recipe but tossed all ingredients into one bowl, beginning with wet and ending with dry. I omitted the nuts and made my own brown sugar. It seems like good base recipe for fun adaptions.

How about a present... what's a birthday (blogiversary) without a gift? I would be delighted to make a sweet custom bucket for all of you, but we'll just have keep it to one lucky winner. Maybe it will be you!
If you'd like to win small linen bucket printed with a choice of any of my stamps- please leave a comment below by Sunday at 5pm. I'd love to hear one of your favorite maya*made projects from over the years or maybe what stamp you'd choose. The winner will be announced Monday morning.

Good luck and thank you for an amazing 6 years!


  1. Oh...yummy (treats and bucket)! Congratulations!

    1. I have been admiring your daily feathers and I LOVE your book. Congratulations!

  2. Love, Love everything with cameras and feathers. My Mom used to sew and I like how you make with little a lot.

  3. Oh, I'd love to win one of your pretty buckets! Thank you.

  4. I love your buckets, the feathers are a great new design but if I won one I would put my clothes pins in so I would like them stamped with them! ariadnesky(at)hotmail(dot)com AriadnefromGreece!

  5. One of my favorites is your environmentally friendly "Simple Gifts" series. Love all your feather stamps, so it would be hard to choose! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. This is so great! I love your book "Reinvention", and delight in all the projects made from repurposed scarps. Or burlap. Burlap is awesome

  7. Happy blogiversary! I also love your book Reinvention. The pouf I made from a old wool blanket, in the middle of my family room, reminds me how talented you are combining green living with good design.

  8. Happy Blogiversary! I'd love that bucket with the elephant pillow pal from your book stamped on it. He's so adorable!

  9. Congratulations! I am loving all the feathers...but think maybe your ginko leaf on anything is still my favourite! Happy 6! :)

  10. Congratulations to how it all went and for starting the blog at first! I love to read your words and see what you're up to. Not knowing you at all but admiring your artwork and the purity in the things surounding you.
    In the lucky case of winning I'd probably look through your pictures again first. But the father on the right might be my favourite of all your beautiful stamps. (This might sound too cheesy but that's how it is). I also like the buckets with the different bottom fabric.
    Thanks - for everything.

  11. Congratulations!
    I love the feather stamps!

  12. Love your ethereal feathers, but your scissors get me every time. A good pair of scissors can change the world!

    Congratulations on your blogiversary. I've been a fan for years.

    Thanks for a chance at this generous giveaway, Maya!

  13. Congrats on 6 yrs. I love when you show your Mom's barn. I love the multi color feathers that you have been doing.

  14. I'm dying over your feather stamps! Love this idea! Happy blogiversary!

  15. Congratulations Maya!
    You deserve all the success and happiness that your wonderful blog has brought you!
    Your recipe reminds me of my Grandmother's Peanut Butter Brownie recipe which also has chocolate chips...I now may have to whip up a batch!
    One of your feather buckets would be a welcome addition to our Spring bird theme!
    All the best for many more years of blogging,
    ~ joey ~

  16. Lovely buckets, lovely stamps and yummy treats!

  17. I'm a newer reader from the last couple of years but I was drawn in by your desire to connect children to nature through their creativity and by your ability to create such beauty from items that are so often discarded. You are in all ways a creative inspiration. As for the buckets...they are all lovely but I do love the curved feather quite a bit.

  18. congratulations! thank you for the giveaway! I gave stamp carving a try, thanks to you!

  19. Congrats on 6 years! I actually started following you six years ago when I had my first baby! I would nurse him and look through your craft blog and dream about trying my own hand at things. Your stamps always catch my breath! And the fabric baskets are wonderful even on their own. Thanks for crafting and sharing!! I also enjoy your instagram photos. Best!

  20. What a wonderful accomplishment! I look forward to your blog post every day!

  21. Congratulations! I have been a fan of your blog for a long time and have really enjoyed your burlap bags. Thanks for the inspiration.

  22. I am a big fan of the blog, and love the buckets!

  23. Congratulations on 6 years! What a way to chronicle your life. :D Oh, I would totally choose the feather or a bird. I love bird related things these days.

  24. Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win.

    Maybe the ginko leaves.

    abackman66 at

  25. I LOVE the new feather designs! Although, as a knitter, I might choose something with a ball of yarn... Either way, I really enjoy your site and your designs!

  26. Happy Bloggy Birthday with sprinkles on top!!! Wishing you many happy bloggy days ahead! I sure hope to win a cool stamped bucket!!

  27. Congratulations! Oh, it's so difficult to choose favourites. I love your storage baskets, they would be so useful in my house. The moth stamp was beautiful.

  28. Happy 6th blog-anniversary my dear friend ! Our friendship is almost as old as your blog ! What sweet memories ! Here's to many more years on the blog & even more exciting opportunities !
    Thanks for the generous giveaway ! I love every of your stamps, but I have a soft spot for the gingko one ! It's such a meaning of hope & strength, I love it so !
    xoxo much love

  29. The feathers are stunning. Happy Blogiversary!

  30. I love the feathers! Love to see all your beautiful creations!

  31. Hi Maya, happy anniversary, and thanks for a lot of inspiration! I have several buckets I made from your pattern at home as well as your book. I used your "please consider a gift that is recycled, handmade, or under $5" for our kids' bday parties (and my daughter treasures especially the stuffed kitty cat that has a pouch for the tooth for when a tooth fairy comes, that a classmate of hers made for the bday two years ago), and just two weeks ago I did end up signing up with Creativebug for the line drawing class you mentioned on your blog - especially the first lesson really hit home with my kids, and they have been drawing flowers since (and then we colored some of them in with watercolors - bright red poppies). So, thanks for your blog and inspiration, and thanks for the chance! Dana (on yahoo: leto04)

  32. Congratulations! I am so happy you are here in the blog world.

  33. I love your buckets! I think you've made a knitting yarn stamp.

  34. I am loving your recent love of feather stamps. You have been doing so many wonderful things with them lately and I love seeing them on your totes.

  35. Thanks for the chance to win! All your work is beautiful!

  36. You already know how I feel about your feathers. ;)

  37. Congratulations! I love looking over your shoulder at all of your printing projects, especially printing on fabric. It's inspiring! I also appreciate your honesty and openness in sharing your life, your art, your hopes, and your struggles with all of us. THANK YOU! Those feather buckets are just gorgeous! There's just something about feathers . . .

  38. I love the buckets! You can never have too many. I'm smitten with the scissors stamp, so i think i'd choose that....but i'm somewhat in love with the feathers too! I'd love to see all the amazing stamps you've made lined up for a photo. You're a superstar! Happy blogiversary

  39. Love this latest interpretation of your lovely buckets. These are fresh, clean and so nicely finished. My favorite project of yours was my first - your denim farmer's market bag out of Reinvention. Oh, it was such a challenge, and a marvelous satisfaction to complete. I use my bag almost every day (so, so much more stylish than any diaper/young mom bag I've found). I can cram limitless amounts of library books into it, and those fabulous straps are still cushy and comfy. It's magic! Just one of so many great projects you've but together!

  40. Maya, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have read your blog for so many years, and every time I leave with so much beautiful inspiration. THANK YOU! for everything. Congratulations. And thanks for sharing your happiness with these beautiful buckets. Would love to have them here at my house. Will cross my fingers.

  41. My favourite project has become a family ritual in my house and is the burlap pocket countdown calendar. Ours is known as the birthday countdown calendar and adds so much more love and magic to our birthdays. I couldn't thank you enough.

    Happy 6th anniversary to you. What a gift to inspire so many people and give more opportunities to bring joy into people's lives.

  42. Congratulations! I love, love, love the burlap buckets and tyvek wallets. I have not made either, but have all the materials for both - they have been sitting in my basement for years . . . Making a burlap bucket is on my bucket list:) In lieu of actually making something I live vicariously through your projects and read your book like a novel:)

  43. I have loved seeing you emerge as the beautiful butterfly that you are~ and love these buckets as well.
    What a generous giveaway!
    Happy Blogiversary!

  44. I love, love, love your new feathers!!

  45. Happy happy blogiversary my darling Maya, and many many more! xo Kathleen

  46. Congratulations on the big 6! And thanks for sharing all your creative ideas. I love the design of several floating feathers and would probably choose that for a bucket were i to win. Happy spring! !

  47. Congrats! My favorite from the blog has been the toilet paper tube Advent Calendars. However, I found Reinvention so inspiring that I immediately made myself a tea cozy from one of my daughter's old jumpers!

  48. Loving your blog!!! I'd stick with a feather stamp as my daughter is so in love with finding chicken feathers right now.

  49. Happy Anniversary! I have loved the inspiration and creativity from your blog over the years! My favorite project has been the sling bag from your Reinvention book!

  50. Happy 6 Years! Woohoo! I have wanted one of your buckets for a long time. You've got lots of beautiful stamps -- I think I'd go with clothespins.

  51. How odd... I don't see my comment that I thought I had posted yesterday, so will try again. Forgive me! First of all, Congratulations! Been following you for many years, and you're always such a source of inspiration and joy!

    As for pattern choices, impossible! But I love your umbrella stamps, camera stamp, owl and arrow stamps... really, any of them would be a delight to own!

  52. Congratulations on 6 years. Thank you for giving US a present. I love your buckets and would choose the feather family.

  53. I love your buckets and different zippered pouches. I adore your new feather series but am very partial to the lovely ginko leaves.

  54. Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for sharing your talents, your creativity and your self with us - you are an inspiration in many ways!

  55. Oooh. I love the buckets & the squishy cubes made from felted blankets! The feather series is fantastic - I'd go with them for a stamp.

  56. Love them all!! The feathers have been really fun to watch you create but I'd have to think, theres so many wonderful prints! thank you

  57. My favorite project hands down is the woven heart basket, which I used when teaching technical writing to university students. I demonstrated it SILENTLY and then they had to write instructions for how to make. Harder than they thought! But so successful. The stamp I would love is the barn though--I am thinking of buying/converting, but I am scared. Winning this contest might be a sign!

  58. oh, i would love a bucket with a luna moth....yes!

  59. Maya, such fun to visit and vicariously craft with you; happy blog anniversary! I love it that so many of your projects involve repurposing materials. I've made many of the security envelope stars and taught several groups of friends how to make them, introducing it as a 15-minute craft! Other friends have received my star garlands as gifts to brighten their homes. There's a scrap box of security envelopes and colorful greeting card envelopes waiting for more security star fun whenever I'm in the mood. I would love one of your buckets with the feather design to inspire me in my sewing/craft room.

  60. Congratulations Maya! Reading you has been lovely and inspiring, even in the difficult times. Here's to many more years of Maya*Made. I have made several of your buckets from the pattern, and I'd like to make many more to hold all sorts of things around the house. My favourite stamps is the one with the scissors, followed by the camera.

  61. Happy blogiversary!!!! Love all of your inspiring projects. Find myself consistenyl saying, "why didn't I think of that?". I'm loving the feather stamp. Inspiration from nature is always my favorite.

  62. I enjoy this blog so much.. it bring me peace and smiles. I have to say, my favorite memory is your daughter's kitty cat party. I love to see how you manage parties in such a beautiful and simple way, and how your summer camps are full of joy and child-led exploration. Very grounding.

  63. Congratulations. I've always loved your burlap coffee buckets which I think was one of your original designs. Stamps - camera (reminds me to use my camera more often) and feathers (which are just cool!)

  64. Ha, I never win these, but I'll try anyway! I love your feather stamps. Your Reinvention book is one of the few on the little shelf above my sewing machine instead of in the closet shelves, because I need it often for little gifts! And remember when you blogged those simple rainbow band looms? Those saved us over Xmas break. I've appreciated your honesty, resilience, and positive energy through your blog. Things can fall apart but as long as we are surrounded by love and something beautiful, we can make it, yes? Thanks for sharing so many lovely ideas with us.

  65. Your style is so lovely. Looking forward to your class at Squam and hoping to win this bucket :)

  66. I'm loving these feathers that you're doing. Wonderful art series, wonderful stamps! Thank you for the chance to win one of your buckets. :)

  67. Congratulations on six years of inspiration! I first came here because your wonderful buckets. And I love the clothespin stamp!

  68. Congratulations. You have offered much inspiration over the years. I think I always have loved your ginkgo leaves most. Thanks!

  69. I am so inspired by your creativity. I would love a bucket.

  70. Well Maya, there are so many good projects that you have shared with us over the years but the one that comes to mind (because we made it and loved it) is the toilet roll advent calendar!! I know, it sounds crazy but we really had a lot of fun with that one and loved the finished look!
    Congrats on six! years of wonderful repurposing!!

  71. Happy Anniversary! One of the projects I did as soon as you posted it was the water color clothes pins. I used them on gifts and around my own space. So cheery!

  72. woot woot!! congratulations on 6 fabulous years!! the maya*made xsmall buckets are a gift staple in our house...candles, a mason jar of homemade cocoa, baby socks and a hat...they make any gift better!!

  73. The kites for kids project is something we've made a few times and flown in springtime. Really, really easy and fun!

  74. Happy Blogiversary and thanks for many years of inspiration!

  75. I'm new to your blog, but I love the way you use natural textures and colors... :)

  76. Happy Blogiversary Maya - my favorite part about your blog is not just your creativity and projects, but your transparency and fearlessness to share what's going on in your external and internal world. I love the postings of the time you share with your children and mother, nothing could be more important. Mostly I wish you continued success in your endeavors, and much peace and happiness :)

  77. Congratulation! I just pulled your book off my shelf looking for ways to reuse an old coffee sack.
    I'm loving your new feather stamps.



  78. Congrats on your blogiversary! I've enjoyed reading you for a long time and have appreciated so many of your projects (gifts). Some of my favorite projects: heart garlands for Valentine's Day, poppy pod stamps, and nature wreaths. You are inspiring! Thank you for sharing so many years and good ideas with us, Maya.

  79. I think Fall Leaves is one of my favorite projects.

  80. I love these. I have been obsessed with feathers lately!

  81. Maya, I've made so many of your projects over the years with my children but the one which we use again and again is the newspaper bunting. I made some with "happy birthday" on it ages ago with two of my children when they were much smaller than they are now. It was very early in the morning and I was very tired but it was worth it. It's been hung up in our kitchen for every family birthday since then. It's up at the moment because it was my husband's birthday this week and will probably stay up a while longer as it's mine in a few days. It really is part of our family life!

  82. Been reading your site for a few years now. Can't remember how I found my way here. as for hard to choose just one but the feather stamps are really appealing to me right now.

  83. WOW! 6 years already. Always look forward to Maya in the morning. Gets my day off on a creative note. Keep it coming and Congratulations!

  84. happy anniversary and thanks for the giveaway!!
