
Monday, February 17, 2014


"The real things haven't changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong." - Laura Ingalls Wilder

As a girl, I read all of Laura Ingalls Wilder's books. I watched every episode of Little House on the Prairie. As a mom, I've reread them two or three times over with my children.  It's no wonder than that her philosophy and outlook on life have had an impact on my own. When I stumbled upon this quote, I smiled- knowing that I've thought these same words. Thank you Laura, for always being my inspiration. 

So today, while the thermometer still reads: frigid and the snow is thigh high, I will think of the Ingall's family... and all that they had and didn't have to survive their many long winters. And I will be thankful for electricity and a warm house, for being able to *drive* into town in a heated vehicle on roads that are plowed, and have easy access to food and books and art supplies, insulated boots, down parkas, wi-fi with movies that stream effortlessly into our living room, and the list goes on. And this mild case of the February blues will get a good kick in the pants with some much needed perspective. Time to turn today upside down and shake out those smiles of gratitude for all that my little family has as we wait out the winter surrounded by our modern luxuries. 


  1. Thanks, Maya - for this beautiful perspective (much needed for me now) and for a reminder to get my girl reading LIW books. I loved them when I was a kid, too. xxx

  2. There is a book called Little House in the Ozarks that is a collection of articles Laura wrote for a Missouri farm journal, it is full of all kinds of good common sense wisdom like the quote you shared above.
    Isn't it great to be able to share our Little House love with our own children now? We have read the series many times too… right now my middle daughter and I are re-reading the series on Caroline (Ma) when she was a child… so wonderful!

    (So besides having Little House love and sewing love in common we have something else in common too, and it's a kind of funny one, having to do with vegan cookies and the grateful dead!) (Was excited to recently discover that our library has your neat book!)

    Wishing you warmth and cheer during the rest of these winter days!
    Renee :)
