
Monday, February 24, 2014

My Mother Has 4 Noses

I am blessed with the most extraordinary and talented friends. And I love sharing what exciting things they're up to with all of you. Only a few live close by. Fortunately, the out of towners believe in gathering to support one another. Especially, when it's our beloved Jonatha Brooke- and she is making the debut of her one woman musical play on 42nd st. in NYC!
Between all of us, thousands and thousands of miles were flown and driven to sit in the audience of opening night of My Mother Has 4 Noses, a gorgeous tribute to Jonatha's mother and the heart wrenching (but sometimes comical) account of caretaking for her. It is "A mother-daughter end of life love story, complicated by religion and dementia." Jonatha is always amazing, but this is brilliant. You may think I'm biased, but the press agrees with me. 

 Her brand new cd is filled with all of the songs that are woven throughout the play... they tell her story, but as any great songwriter does, she taps into universals that make the listening deeply personal and easily translatable to your own life. It's the only music I've listened to for days! 

My Mother Has 4 Noses:
It's playing in NYC through May- if you have an opportunity to go, take it!

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