
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Squam- June 2014

Bare branches and piles of fluffy snow are romantic in December, but they get old quickly.  I know that next June I'm going to be aching to sit on the dock of my favorite lake. The Squam Art Workshops for 2014 have just been announced! Registering now is a wonderful way of investing in yourself and your soul... and creating a sense of hope during the long stretch of winter ahead.

I'm teaching a brand new workshop that I'm super excited about! We'll be be carving stamps, printing on rescued textiles and stitching up a variety of little pouches. The emphasis will be on hand sewing. Leaving machines behind offers makers the ability to create in any location. Squam's pristine setting will be our "second" classroom. So if you'd like to be crafting at the water's edge or sitting on a forest trail... you will be free to roam with needle and thread!
We will be learning new skills, gaining fresh insights on our creative process and making deep connections with those around us. It truly doesn't get much better than this! I can't wait to meet you in June... so many dear friendships have been born through readers translating our online correspondence into a real life experience... looking into one another's eyes is always my favorite way to SEE. You.
So come sew and print with me! Click here for all of the details.


  1. Yay! I just preregistered! So happy to be attending Squam and meeting and sewing with you! Can't wait til June! xoxo- Amie

    1. Oh Amie, it's about time we finally met! I couldn't be happier! xoxo

  2. I didn't even hesitate! My preregistration went in almost instantly. Looking forward to seeing you again and experiencing all the wonder that is Squam.

    1. Yay Dianne! I can't wait to see you and catch up! xoxo

  3. we had our own squam like event this summer

    1. It looks like you had an amazing experience! We all need to find ways to re-TREAT ourselves.

  4. Like Dianne, I didn't hesitate either! I pre-registered immediately too. I saw that you were teaching there again this year and I'd love to take your class. I think that getting out of the classroom is a great idea. Hand stitching is quickly becoming one of my favorite methods of choice. I just wrote a little post about some poufs of yours that I made last year. If you care to take a gander, that post is here:

    1. Can't wait to meet you Brienne! The docks always call me during class, so it seemed logical to figure out away to take it outside. If it rains theirs nothing cozier than a stone hearth at Squam to stitch by. off to check out your poufs!
