
Thursday, December 12, 2013

creativebug giveaway!

Can you believe the end of the year is upon us?! 2013 was a year of acceptance and transformation for me. My anchor has been maya*made. It was the tool that kept me grounded in creativity and optimism. You all were some of the best inspiration! To thank you for your love and support, I am teaming up with my favorite folks at Creativebug to offer a special giveaway:

How would you like to win two FREE 3-month subscriptions to CreativeBug?! One for you... and one to gift your best friend, or sister, or mom!

How fun is that?! What a great present and fabulous way to begin the new year- making stuff and learning new skills with the most amazing video workshops available (if I do say so myself). There are so many to choose from... and let's not forget that you could be making burlap stockings or upcycled pouches with me!

How do you enter? From now until Tuesday, 12/17 at midnight:

1. Leave a comment here about some new crafty skill you'd like to learn in the new year.
2. For another entry into the drawing hop over to Creativebug and check out the classes offered- come on back here and share which one you can't wait to take.
3. Want your name thrown in the hat once more? Go follow mayamade on instagram and comment on any pic with the hashtag- #mayamadecreativebuggiveaway

I'll announce a random winner on Wednesday, December 18th... just in time for last minute gift making and giving! Good luck and thank you!


  1. I love your upcycled pouches, and everything you do! :o)

  2. I need to learn to knit - my new craft for next year.

  3. What a great giveaway! I'd love to learn how to crochet in the new year!
    ariadnesky(at)hotmail(dot)com AriadnefromGreece!

  4. I have been a follower on Instagram already and left a comment on your advent calendar photo there.

  5. I will be taking the knitting cast-on class at Creativebug and see several others for a later time.

    Great giveaway - thanks for a chance to enter.

  6. I would like to learn some more doll making skills and make the time to do it more often, too!

  7. Oh my goodness! This would be amazing! I'd love to do some knitting and more sewing.
    Thank you


    Margiedicroce (at) rogers (dot) com

  8. I need to learn some new knitting techniques, like putting together wearable items, like sweaters.

  9. What a delightful giveaway! I'd love to learn more about machine sewing, and also painting. industrialgrace[at]gmail[dot]com

  10. I want to learn to make soap in the next year! Thanks for a great giveaway.

  11. I just went to creativebug and saw there is a class on handmade soap (cold process). Perfect! Whether I win this or not, going to sign up. Thank you!! Looks amazing.

  12. I have never done tatting and would love to learn that in the new year. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  13. I'd love to learn more about garment construction in the new year!

  14. I would love to learn some jewelry skills.

  15. The creative bug classes I want to take are leather wrap bracelet and knotted necklace. Your blog is so inspiring. Thank you

  16. I would love to learn how to make jewelry!

  17. I'd like to take the Creative Bug Class "Sewing Paper Wrap". Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Oh... so many things I'd like to learn... crocheting granny's squares, or flowers are on the top of my list now. Or how to sew a t-shirt, or more about sewing clothes. Or more information on how to quilt (it seems like I'm always winging it!) Oh... so many options! I love it.
    Thanks for the chance.

  19. I am retiring after Christmas and will finally have time to learn some new passions. How to follow a knitting chart. Jewelry making. And embroidery... I can't wait to relish in the details so this would be great

  20. Oh my goodness! CreativeBug is so dangerous for me and my friend Tina. We are currently making the leather wrap bracelets for Christmas gifts, and have fallen down the rabbit hole of embroidery fun with Rebecca Rinquist. I'd like to try my hand at Suminagashi paper marbling--so fun! Thanks for the giveaway offer and your inspiring posts on your creative life.

  21. I also would like to learn how to crochet in the new year, so I can try to make Alex's beautiful crocheted and beaded jewelry, also on CreativeBug. I need more time in my day!

  22. Jewelry making with Susan Richbourg!

  23. I would love to take any beginning textile based classes. Interested in quilting for art, needlework, other techniques I have yet to hear about...

  24. I like the looks for the intro to machine quilting and intro to needle felting... always a sucker for any 2d "conventional" art related classes as well...

  25. What a lovely and generous way to celebrate such a significant year in your personal history, Maya! Rather than learn a new skill, next year I'd like to go deeper into my chosen crafts, knitting and sewing, to get better at both and finally be able to sew more clothes for me and the rest of the family.

  26. I'd love to take any class with Liesl Gibson - I've seen her free miniclasses on Creativebug and loved her simple and clear explanations. Also, I'm intrigued by the techniques used in the Alabama Chanin garments, so Natalie Chanin's classes also appeal very much to me. Thank you and Creativebug for the chance!

  27. Crochet! I knit, I spin.. I pretend to crochet but I really don't have any idea what I'm doing. Crochet. :) Thanks to you and Creative Bug for offering this opportunity.

  28. Wallpaper lampshades. Wow, this is fun. I'd heard of Creative Bug but hadn't visited yet. Thanks again.

  29. I would really love to be able to follow written knitting and crocheting patterns.. especially the ones for crocheting in the round!!

  30. Papermaking, crochet, stamp carving, pottery....oops you said just one! ;o)

  31. Oh my handmade soap or the rainbow quilt looks fun!!!

  32. I've been longing to take many of these classes.... Amy Karol's Apothecary, the lovely smocked necklace that is just so "now".... but there always seem to be other financial priorities. I know someday it will happen! ahkraus(at)hotmail(dot)com

  33. Like to learn how to cross stitch or beading

  34. Free motion quilting, twilling

  35. I want to make a quilt this coming year.

  36. I want to learn more knitting skills please.

  37. I love learning new crafts! I am learning to quilt and would like to learn free motion quilting in the coming year!

  38. I want to have more fun learning to free motion quilt!

  39. I just noticed that you offered extra chances!! I want to learn serging in 2014. ahkraus(at)hotmail(dot)com

  40. I want to learn to crochet granny squares. I've been teaching myself to crochet and just figured out how to crochet in the round. I've also been collecting quilting supplies and watching tutorials and want to try it soon as well as new knitting stitches. :)

  41. I'd love to learn how to do the quilted headboards!

  42. I just went back to Creativebug and really... I couldn't decide which one I would take first. It could be the English paper piecing quilt, or the image transfers that I've always wanted to learn to do, beeswax collage, the sewing a t-shirt, or the embroidered photo ornament, your burlap bunting, or any of the kids projects to do with my daughter.... oh the possibilities! I might need to just stay home for a month and do them all! So much goodness.

  43. I would like to improve on my sewing skills and learn how to make soap. Thank you for this opportunity.

  44. hopped over to creative bug and would love to take the Nature pals class with my 6 yr old son!

  45. I would like to improve my quilting...and knitting...and keep more up to date with my photo albums. :)

  46. I'd like to learn how to knit a sweater! And perhaps make friends with the sewing machine...

  47. Over on Creativebug, there were too many classes that looked fun & interesting! Just in the December offerings alone, I want to take the Hand Lettering Holiday Cards, the Holiday Preserves & the Winter Wreath class!

  48. I'd love to take the Homemade Apothecary class by Amy Karol!

  49. would love to try spinning fiber…. some day…..

  50. would like to learn to knit with beads….

  51. I would love to learn more about drawing and different drawing skills, which could be applied in a contemporary artistic way

  52. Creative Bug is great! I really liked the look of the class on Advanced Embroidery Sampler by Rebecca Ringquist

  53. I have decided it's time for me to learn to knit. I've wanted to for years, but being lefty I've never been able to figure it out from my right-handed friends and family who have tried to show me :)

  54. Oh my, that Creativebug class on making a linen caftan. So beautiful and breezy (and by the time I would likely finish it, we would be back to light and lovely warm weather).

  55. I want to learn to knit again. I was taught three times but never kept up with it. This is my year!!! : )

  56. I follow you on instagram. I love the icicle pic!!! : )

  57. I would take the Wagga Star Quilt class : )

  58. I would love to strengthen my sewing skills (on my top ten for 2014?) and making a tunic top is on the agenda! Thanks for this opportunity! xo

  59. How does one decide??! Of course, anything with you would be stellar :) Upcycle pouches for sure! Always looking for new things I can make as gifties for friends. And Paper birds and Halloween Paper Doll Witches (I think I am on target for something for Halloween!)

  60. I love to crafting of any kind. I have done sewing, knitting, painting, quilting, doll making, basket weaving, needle point. I have never done hook rugs, tatting or crochet.

  61. I would love to take the advanced quilting class; whole cloth quilting; and the crochet afghan class.

  62. Not a new crafty skill but would love to be more skilled at sewing.

  63. The classes on sewing would be great to take.
