
Monday, November 4, 2013

shine on

What a delight to open my daughter's curtains this morning... sunshine streamed in and made starting a new week feel extra fresh and exciting. I hadn't thought about daylight savings when I made these new curtains over the weekend. Good timing was just on my side. She had had the same purple moon curtains since she was a baby and they were sun bleached and worn. An update was in order.
Remember my words on simplicity and flexibility last week? I practiced both those when she picked out fabric that was not my usual (upcycled) choice... and you know what? I'm glad I let go, because we are both totally happy with these cheerful chevron curtains. Recently my (big and strong) son moved her little white desk (long ago his little brown desk) up to her room and placed it under the window for the light.
And right about now that light becomes sublime! Her window faces south with a huge Linden tree in front that keeps her room cool and shady (and a bit too dark) all summer long. But when the leaves start to fall, the illumination begins. For the next 6+ months, she will have one of the sunniest rooms in the house! This is just the beginning, as the leaves are still clinging. I always say a quiet thanks to whoever planted such a perfect tree right outside her window well over 150 years ago.
Happy Monday... here's to morning light and new curtains!


  1. Love the new curtains and your daughter's sunny room !

  2. That last shot almost has me feeling the warmth from the sunlight. Beautiful.

  3. They brighten and bring a smile to ones face :) m.
