
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sponsor Spotlight: Peculiar Momma Vintage

Today, I'm so happy to highlight long time sponsor: Peculiar Momma Vintage. Shalet, the peculiar momma, has outstanding "finding" abilities and keeps her shop filled with tons of perfect treasures. I love that I can go thrifting without venturing out onto our treacherous snow covered roads. Added bonus:  her photos make me feel like warm weather is on the way, and it's time to think picnics and ice cream. I LOVE those little sundae dishes below! And that scale! We have the same one in my children's play kitchen and it has gotten years of good use. I know she doesn't have it featured as child's toy, but we have loved ours for playing store and farmer's market and someone really ought to snatch it up!
 From retro kitchen wares and classic books to her vast polaroid camera collection... there's tons to excited about!
Here are two more favorites I'm keeping my eye on:

  To help you get to know Shalet a little better and understand more about her shop, I've included what Shalet wrote in her Etsy profile. She's such an engaging writer, as you shall see...

"I'm am so many things I never thought I'd be -- a crafter, a knitter and a sewer. A baker, a canner and an embroiderer. A writer and photographer. And a woman with a *huge* soft spot for vintage items.

I'm also a few things I always knew I'd be: wife, a mama and a veterinarian.

My "day" job (which is really a night job in the ER) is fulfilling and a dream come true. But it also carries a lot of stress. Over time the stress takes a toll and I need an emotional outlet.So I seek solace at home. I bury myself in the art of homemaking -- cooking, baking, canning, sewing and knitting -- to name a few. I adore the soothing repetitive nature of these tasks. The rhythm of our home puts my mind and heart at ease.(I must tell you, however, I'm not so good at cleaning. Mr. Peculiar would be thrilled were *that* my hobby).Of course I also need to get out of the house - at least on occasion. So what do I do? I go thrifting! It's exciting to rescue forgotten treasures, bring them into the light and give them life again.Only here's the thing. My family only needs so many thermoses and typewriters and vintage cameras. Yet I can't help bringing them home. And we only need so many dish towels, knit wash clothes and appliqued tee-shirts. Yet I keep making them.This is where you come in. Each and every time you buy an item from my store you allow me to continue with my hobbies. And by permitting me my hobbies you give me my sanity. So thank you. Thank you for stopping by. Thank you for loving old and upcycled things. Thank you for buying them and thank you for giving them a good home. Oh yes - did I mention I also write? I can be found blogging here."
 Shalet's blog is a wonderful place to visit. I love how she sees the world and and the words she chooses to describe it, so do go check in on her. 
So happy to have your here, Peculiar Momma Vintage! Now, go have fun perusing the vintage aisles of her shop.


  1. Thanks for spotlighting. I love all of her vintage finds. Makes me want to run out to my favorite antiques barn RIGHT NOW. And lovely blog to find too. Can't wait to delve deeper. (Maybe after a run to that antiques barn.)

  2. shalet is an old blog friend happy to see her shop

  3. So many beauties! Love the kitchenware!

  4. I love your spotlight! Always the cutest blogs you show!
    Shlet's is gorgous!

  5. I love this shop and have purchased from her before :)!!

  6. I've been dreaming of a little train case like the one pictured here...
