
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowed in

white layers
The first day of the month has arrived with a huge snow storm (and it's just getting going)... and sick kids. It was all brewing yesterday and now "Hello February, aren't you in fine form!"

But I'm prepared. My pantry is stocked. The wood bin is full. The art corner is ready... after a quick 6am pick up. I'm a homebody after all- hunkering down, keeping the fire burning, reading stories all day, making soup, steeping tea. I can do that!  And as I paint you this picture of a snow covered farm house, with smoke curling up from the chimney and delightful cozy activity glowing from the windows,  know that  I will also have to find time to get some pressing work done. I plan on carving out snippets of time in between stirring golden lentil miso soup (my "cures what ails you stew"), helping to make 25 Valentine's day cards (might as well seize the moment), finding something for my son to read (because the library books were already devoured).

  But right now, the day hasn't fully begun. I'm sipping my tea, writing to you, and watching the snow pile up around me...
snowed in
This photo was taken last week. Let's call it the before shot... I'll report back with an after shot when the storm is over!
Please give a warm welcome back and welcome in to February's sponsors: Green Rainbow Shop, Woolen Moss, Two Peas in a Pod, Silk Oak, and Peculiar Momma

Be Well!


  1. wow! so much snow.....but it is a great excuse for plenty of snuggling! Hope everyone gets well soon!


  2. Stay warm and cozy! and send some snow our way!

  3. Well good morning February! We got snow last night too, even though the high yesterday was 70F. I would usually say give it to 11am to be ALL gone, but I think it might stick a couple days.

    I don't check my blogs regularly anymore, but when I do I always hit up your posts. I miss them, but not enough to neglect my kids for them. No, no, I have other reasons to neglect my kids (giggle).

  4. We've got snow too, almost all the way across the country. Going, and going, and going..... and yep, we're prepared. I'm already in the mood for bread baking and, as the 3yo calls it "arting." I hope your little sickies feel better soon!

    PS: Golden lentil soup? Do we have your recipe for that yet? Sounds yummy!

  5. The soup DOES sound yummy! The toddler and I went out in the snow this morning to do some errands (we hit the library first!), making it home just in time for the message that her brothers' bus will arrive about 3 hours early from school. I'm expecting no school at all tomorrow. February, you look just like January, sigh! I, too, am stocked on essentials: hot cocoa, marshmallows, soup planned for dinner (potato soup with ham here), and supplies for a choice of art projects. I hope all of you feel healthier soon and can enjoy the day!

  6. Hello, we're getting snowed in here in New Hampshire as well - and it really is a lot nicer when you know your pantry is stocked and you're ready to bunker down !! I love a good storm.

  7. Except for the sick kids, it sounds like a wonderful way to welcome February.

  8. waiting the arrival of the great white spirit ourselves

  9. So cool, here in Switzerland we've only got the grey and drizzly and a really icy wind! I think with all that activity on your to-do, these 'quiet' days will be gone in the blink of an eye, and the ails of the kids too, I hope!

  10. Oh how I wish we had snow down here in South Carolina! Would you mind sharing your soup recipe? Your recipe for cold miso soba noodles has become one of my favorite things to make. Enjoy your snow and I hope the children feel better quickly.

  11. ! The toddler and I went out in the snow this morning to do some errands (we hit the library first!), making it home just in time for the message that her brothers' bus will arrive about 3 hours early from school.

  12. I've been wanting to comment on this post for a few days now... your photos are beautiful. It almost makes me wish I lived somewhere that had snow in winter!!! Hope you are all feeling better soon. ... and kudos to you for getting a little crafting time in between all the goings on! Right on!!!
