
Monday, February 28, 2011

the Right Brain Business Plan- an interview and giveaway

the right-brain business plan
I was recently contacted by the publicist of a newly released book called The Right-Brain Business Plan , authored by Jennifer Lee of Artizen Coaching. I was offered a copy to give away. Why yes, thank you. Since so many of you run your own creative shops, dream of starting small businesses, or are contemplating taking the leap right now... I thought it might make a perfect gift.  Maybe even a very useful  jump start, if traditional business plans have felt intimidating. Disclaimer: I haven't read through it in its entirety, but skimming  through with a cup of tea proved quite inspiring. My favorite part was the success stories interspersed throughout the book coupled with photographs of their business. Who doesn't love a happy story?

To give you a better idea of what the book is all about here are some questions Jennifer answered:

What is a Right-Brain Business Plan? And how is it different from a traditional business plan?

Typically business plans are boring, lengthy, written documents and financial reports that get placed in a binder and never looked at again. A Right-Brain Business Plan, on the other hand, is a visual, creative and fun work of art that provides constant inspiration and guidance. The Right-Brain Business Plan has the same basic building blocks as a traditional plan, but because we approach the planning through pictures, colors, emotion, and intuition, it’s business planning for the rest of us. 

Why is it important for entrepreneurs to have a business plan?

A business plan is a roadmap that helps articulate the vision of where you want to go and the details of what it’s going to take to get there. The Small Business Administration estimates that 50 percent of small business in America fail within their first five years. Lack of planning is often to blame. Not having a business plan is like driving without directions to an unknown destination.

What are the top three things that stop creative types from doing a business plan?

First off, creative types and solopreneurs assume that business plans are only for large corporations or for those seeking funding. But since a business plan is a roadmap to success, even a one-person crafter operating out of her kitchen would benefit from having a clear plan. Secondly, creative types are often intimidated by the dry format of traditional business plans. The Right-Brain Business Plan, however, invites you to make your plan a work of art that inspires you. And lastly, creative types are usually too busy doing the work that they love that they don’t pause and  plan. What they don’t realize is that planning can actually be a very creative process that leverages their natural right-brain gifts.

Being an entrepreneur often means you’re working on your own. What advice do you have for people to get support in their business?

Just because you work for yourself, doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. One simple, no-cost way to get support in your business is to find an accountability buddy. This is someone you meet with regularly either in-person or on the phone to report progress, talk through issues, and celebrate successes. You might consider working with a mentor who can show you the ropes. I also suggest writing what I call a helping hands wish list. This is a list of all the things you need help with in your business. Use it to identify where you might want to hire some expert help like a graphic designer or bookkeeper. And finally, people won’t know you need help unless you ask, so practice making clear requests.

Thanks so much, Jennifer and congratulations on your new book release!

 Jennifer Lee is a certified coach, writer, artist, yogini, and the founder of Artizen Coaching. Before pursuing her own passions full-time, she consulted for ten years for companies such as Accenture, Gap, Sony, and HP, helping leaders and organizations manage change. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and her websites are and

If you, or someone you love, might benefit from from adding this book to your library, please leave a comment in this post by Tuesday at 9pm EST. I'll announce the winner and the next giveaway on Wednesday morning.

Note: Yes, I will ship internationally! I will always send parcels anywhere on the planet, unless otherwise specified.


  1. Wow! Jennifer Lee sounds like an incredible writer. This book is something I would really, really love to read and absorb.

  2. As an artist and aspiring business woman i would love to win this book

  3. I was just looking at her website when you tweeted about this post. I would love love love a copy of her book!
    Did you see her pocket visionboard? A-ma-zing!

  4. OH! This book sounds super handy! I would love to give it a read! And congratulations again on your very own book! Can't wait! Hugs, Laurraine

  5. Sounds like very handy and interesting book!

    volfima [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. What a great/helpful topic for a book. One of my best friends and I are crafters hoping to start a small business some day (hopefully sooner rather than later). We could use all the advice we can get! :)

  7. oooh. How wonderful. My own "business" has been languishing in the business of my daily life and job. :( Definitely need a kick start, and I love Jen Lee.

  8. Sounds like an interesting book, I'd love to read it

  9. this book would find a happy home with us, I'm sure! Especially since my library does not have it yet...

  10. This sounds like a great book, just what I need.
    Alyssa_j_s (at) hotmail dot com

  11. I'd like to own this book as well. Is it possible to win this giveaway if I live in Europe (Denmark)?

  12. The book looks really interesting. I'd love to win it and maybe finally take that leap.

  13. My dream right now is to be a stay-at-home mom with my own little business. Which is a big dream since I have neither a baby nor a business. But this could help with the business part (and I'll work on the baby part on my own--thanks!).

  14. Hi everyone! So fun to read through all of your lovely comments. Thank you! May all of your creative dreams come true!

    And thanks Maya for hosting my interview and giveaway. :)

  15. I'm in that boat right now! Thinking of taking that huge leap! I'd love this!

  16. I love Jenn! Such an inspiration. I'd love to score a copy of her book. Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. Sounds like an amazing book! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  18. Sounds like just the book I need to finalise the plan of starting a business. . . after years of putting it off!

    Andreag12 at gmail dot com

  19. I could really use this book! This is the first time I've seen an approach to a business plan that actually looks like fun to do! I'm still in the planning stages, trying to figure everything out, to start my own little craft business. The timing is right! Thanks for the chance to win. Anne, yourmainestamper

  20. This looks interesting!

  21. Sounds really useful! I'd love to check it out!

  22. As an artist that is absolutely petrified of anything with the word "business" in it, this sounds like a very helpful book to help me get where I want to be. How nice to find a book written for us "right-brained" types! Fingers crossed...

  23. Great idea for a book. Creatives have the hardest time with anything left brain. I could certainly benefit from a look through this myself! Linked to the giveaway on my FB wall.

  24. I've been contemplating opening my own shop for 2 years now. I think this book would help move me to the next step. Fingers crossed.

  25. The timing would be perfect for me to receive this book! I also have a couple of artist friends struggling with some start-up issues that I would share this book with. I especially like the fact it is written specifically for right brainers like us. Thanks so much for the opportunity to receive a copy! Connie

  26. Sounds like this would be the help I need!! Please enter me, thanks for doing this!

  27. This sounds like something that I would be very interested in reading. Thanks for the review!

  28. I do realize the importance of a business plan, but still don't have one. Maybe this book will explain for my why I haven't been able to make one in the past. Might also be just what i need to get my butt in gear and get my business really going :)

  29. Oh I wish I had this book when I started my first business!
    ~ joey ~

  30. I am planning to start a crafty business and selling my stuff. This book would be excellent for me!

  31. wow!!! che belle cose realizzi saluti dall'italia rosa.kreattiva

  32. Very cool book; thanks for the chance to win. If I don't, I will buy it!

  33. My husband and I are working on starting a business and the business plan is our next step!

    Thanks for your review and inspiring blog!

  34. I'm changing mine now so it's the perfect time for this book. Thank you for this giveaway.

    Oh, and pick me pick me :))

  35. This is just what I've been looking/waiting for! Business planning for the visual person. Fantastic.

  36. I feel hope that I might actually be able to do a business plan! I had no idea there was another way and I have been dreading the process for months. Thanks Maya.

  37. This book looks great! Thank you for this giveaway!

  38. I would love to have this book! I can't believe I haven't heard of it before today - thank you so much for the info! xo

  39. This sounds interesting, please count me in and thanks for the giveaway :).

  40. Sounds really interesting! I'love to read it!!! Thanks for anorher giveaway!!

  41. I am putting my hand I, I would love an opportunity to win this book. Crossing fingers and toes. Thank you.

  42. I've been thinking about starting a craft business for *years* now and I think this book might be just the thing to kick start my butt into gear! Sounds wonderful! :)

  43. What an absolutely wonderful gift for my dear friend who's an amazing craft-artist, but can't sit through boring left brain documents! She's looking to sell her various crafts, but isn't sure how to do the business side. This would be perfect for her!

  44. I'm just starting a photography business and could use some guidance.

  45. Yay for this! Having written the dry, totally left brain type of plan years ago (and hating to refer to it), a fresh approach would be so welcome. New project, new approach... Perfect!

  46. What a great book - thank you for the opportunity! =)

  47. Our public library could really benefit from adding this book to the collection!

  48. now there's a business book i might be able to read! reminds me of my other friend maya (urban organica) and her right brained accounting/financial planning strategies.

  49. Yhat sounds like a wicked book! even if i don't win- i may have to hunt it down myself!! =)
    Thanks for showing, and lucky you getting given something to giveaway! =)

  50. Were you eavesdropping in on my conversation with my Etsy-colleague yesterday? We had a long and very interesting discussion about business plans, and what kind of goals we had set up for our business, and what our next step would be. (blogged a little about it in todays blogpost)

    And we complained about that it was SO hard to get encouraging, good advice!

    And here you are. Giving away something that seems to be what we were wishing for yesterday!!!

    *taking a raffle ticket and cross my fingers*

  51. this book sounds great! I would love to win it. I've been toying with the idea of opening my own shop and this book would be a great help! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  52. this would be perfect for my family right now!
    thanks for the chance.

  53. This book looks like it is exactly what our business needs! We just started a few months ago and we need just a little bit of help! PICK US! :) Thanks for a great giveaway!

  54. I've tried my hand at a business plan and it's sooo hard for me to stay focused, this looks like my kinda book/guide. Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. oh my gosh... is this book ever for me!!! I have had a photography studio for 3 years now and do not have a biz plan... because i feel it's sooo boring... cannot wrap myself around the thought... but gosh, this book seems quite different! cannot wait to read it!!! and get going on a PLAN!

  56. Sign me up! I need all the help I can get. :)

  57. I really need it right now. Fingers crossed!

  58. I am so afraid of business plans. I think this book would help me get over that (silly) fear.

  59. Wow, what a gift to know about this book!! Winning it would be lovely, but I'll get my hands on it one way or another. Thanks for educating me!

  60. My sister would be the perfect recipient of this book. Thanks for the chance to win!

  61. I just took my first exam in my business class and came to browse. I would appreciate it if you enter me in the giveaway. Thank you.

  62. I have decided today(!) to go ahead with my creative business idea so your kind giveaway is perfectly timed.

  63. O that's a wonderful book
    I'm so close to starting my own business in
    creating with children
    here in the Netherlands
    thanks for the chance

  64. This would be soooo perfect for me. I've tried several times to get my business plan together, but my total lack of a left brain has never allowed me to successfully complete it. This would be the ideal cure!

  65. icebergbue@skynet.beFebruary 28, 2011 at 3:22 PM

    Hello Maya,
    I am starting up a business and would like to reed more about this coach giving good advices; it is not so simple to be creative and a good business-woman at the same time. This would help me to re-orient and to do the right moves!
    So I indeed would like te win it,... icebergblue

  66. I've started reading multiple books about business plans and how to go about making your own, but they've all been so dull to me that I hardly make 1/4 through the book.

  67. I love hearing about new books. thanks for the giveaway and interview.

  68. Oh I would love to win a copy of Jenn's book. She is pretty awesome. I have been following her for a couple years now. I am sure the book is really great! I would love to win it.

  69. I'm planning to start my own business, but the thought about the business plan is stopping me... Maybe this book would help me?! :)

  70. This sounds like just what I need. I'm planning on opening my own Waldorf - inspired toy shop this fall when my kiddo starts school. Thank you for sharing!

  71. DeLurking to say:
    Oooh.. that sounds like exactly what I need. The thought of traditional business plans makes my head hurt.


  72. Wonderful giveaway and interview!!
    It would be great to know the tools to be successful, starting for having the right plan, especially coming from such a knowledgeable and experience person like Jennifer, can wait to read it!

    Erika :-)

  73. The interview questions were really what hooked me. I would love a session with this woman! And again, I think I am going to add this to the request list for my local library.

  74. I would love to give this book to my daughter who is starting her own sewing business.

  75. This sounds like a great book if you want to even start a small business say online.

  76. This book would be perfect for me, I really want to start my own buiness selling cute things i make!

  77. wow! this seems to be the solution to my problem! I've been postponing writing a proper business plan because I thought it would be so boring and pointless. If there is a creative way to do it, I want to know more!
    thanks for the giveaway.

  78. Wow-I am right in the middle of taking a class to write one of those 'dry' biz plans. Who knew there was another way--I need that book right away-for sure!
    If I can't win I'll buy.

  79. There are a couple of us at work who are thinking about the idea of taking the slightly scary leap of starting our own (very little) business and this book looks perfect!

  80. Sounds like a wonderful book for any type of small business. Maya, I was wondering if you would ever tell us how you manage your time for creativity, business, family, and home? Would you ever share?


  81. I am now officially dying to read this book! My daughter and I are in the process of planning a new business/shop together. This looks like it would REALLY help me out! Thank you, ~Kathy

  82. What an interesting book! I took a crack at a crafty business ~15 years ago (just after college), and I loved it. But then my 'real' job and graduate school got in the way. As I now look ahead toward parenting and see new potential (and challenges!) for a crafty biz to run successfully, this is something I should look into again... Ooh, how splendidly exciting!

    Thanks for all your inspiration.

  83. This sounds like a fantastic read - thanks for sharing!

  84. I would love to read this book and then pass it on to my mom and sister who both have small businesses they're trying to run!

  85. What a great looking book! I'm thinking of starting a crafty business & I would love to have some guidance.

  86. It looks as a good inspiration and guide. We all have an enterpreneur in our heart :)

  87. I know several folks, other than myself, would would benefit from this fabulous book! Thanks for an informative interview!~~~XXOO, Beth

  88. This would be most welcome for me and several others I know!

  89. love this--i had no idea there was a book like this..thanks for sharing!

  90. I keep downloading tips on making a business plan. I must have half a dozen on my hard drive. When will I ge time to read them.......

  91. This book sounds like a great resource. Thanks for the give-away!

  92. I would love to win this, and I will definitely get a copy even if I don't win one... I'm just getting started, and thus would be great! Fun giveaway! :)

  93. boy do i need this! what a great giveaway.

  94. This is exactly what I need as I get ready to open my first Etsy shop!!

  95. I just stumbled onto your blog and am really enjoying it! As an art therapist and artist trying to start my own business, I know that I 'should' have a business plan but have such a hard time trying to figure out how to write one. This book looks like a great source of inspiration and help! I would love to win it!

  96. please enter me in your giveaway ~ thanks !

  97. This looks fascinating and doable!
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  98. Sounds like a fun resource... exactly what I've been needing!


  99. sounds like a great book. might be what I need.

  100. I could really use this book! I had run a small business before, but didn't really do it properly (no official business plan). And now, I am itching to start up again but want to do it right. I think this would be the perfect thing to get my butt in gear and do it right!

  101. This is the perfect timing for this book - thanks for sharing it and for the giveaway!

    greenishmama @ g mail . com

  102. Thanks for sharing this on your blog. Sounds like a book I should be reading right now!

  103. Please, please, PLEASE put me in the hat!
    I remember writing my first business plan 12 years ago and in the cashflow forecast I thought they were joking when I was told to pluck the numbers out of the air!
    I have since lost all respect for business plans and would love to learn a different way of looking at them x

  104. Yes! Would utterly love this book. I'm in the early stages of starting up a business with my husband - an artistic, creative endeavour. Could use any help. :)

  105. Wow, that's just what I was looking for. I'd love to win that one :)

  106. Fantastically practical giveaway that would be a very welcome addition to my libarary!

  107. This book sounds wonderful. I would very much love to win it; thank you for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  108. This book would be an amazing win for me! My husband and I are in the process of opening our own business and this would be VERY helpful!

  109. I'll try again with a giveaway... i'm very curious about this book!
    Chiara (from Italy)

  110. What a wonderful book, right brain and business. I would love to own it. Thanks

  111. yep yeppity yep yep. right brain is the best brain!

  112. That sounds like a great book every little business should have on their bookshelf. I would love to win a copy but if I don't I will definitely go and buy a copy.

  113. Well, yes thank you, I'd love a chance to win this book! It sure looks like something I need. Thanks!

  114. What a breath of air to see a book like this. I've had business ideas rolling around in my head but am unsure where to begin.

  115. What a great idea!!! Heading over to check out her sites! Just what my Right Brain needs!!! xoxo Beth

  116. This sounds like a fantastic book! Thank you for the chance to win!

  117. Well, it must go to France.....and you need to send us a package anyway..... :)

    Regardless, I will try to find it as it seems like a very interesting idea and I have looked far too much and too often at those nightmarish normal ones!

  118. I think this book would be really useful to me and to my sister... A great giveaway, thank you!

  119. What a creative way to present some important (but dry!) information! Can't wait to see it in person.

  120. Could this be more timely - just lost my job and wondering what to do with my life when I grow up at 41.... ;-} Susan

  121. Ooooh. I Need. This. I have a small business and I love the creative fun side but get overwhelmed by all the business aspects. Thanks for sharing!

  122. Would love a copy! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  123. It's good to know about this book. I really hope your giveaway helps to generate some sales for the author. As with all good ideas, it's so obvious in hindsight that creative people need a creative approach to business. I'm going to buy this for my niece who is dyslexic and a highly talented florist about to start her own business in the UK!

  124. This sounds like a fantastic book that could really help me with planning my (hopefully soon) adventure.

  125. How could you possibly know I had on my to-do list for tomorrow "start new business plan"?!? This book sounds like just the sort of thing I need right now. So glad you mentioned it!

  126. This book looks great--truly inspirational. I started a home-based, part-time craft business last fall, and went to a "conventional" business plan class. Not only was it boring, but it really didn't pertain to me and my business. This book sounds perfect for me. Thanks for the opportunity to win one!

  127. What an interesting concept. I have been trying to think of fundraising ideas for an adoption. I think this book would help me solidify my ideas and get going. Thank you for the giveaway!

  128. I have two LEFT brained books on business plans sitting on my desk...oh so boring. I would love to give this a try.

  129. Great news! I would love to read this book!

  130. This look like a great book! I'm thinking about starting a business and this might be the push i need one direction or another....

  131. This is a great idea, a tool that directly applies to getting a real business off the ground but one that doesn't just throw buzz words out there but can honestly lay the groundwork and really add value. Love it!!

  132. This book sounds interesting and something I really need...still planning so this book could be helpful.

    Susanna ( a finnish woman currently living in Lebanon)

  133. This book is RIGHT up my ally, so to speak. I'd absolutely love to win it and read it!

  134. This sounds like a great book for a giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  135. WOW! This book is exactly what I need!

  136. I actually need this very book right now. If I won, i'd feel like the stars were all lined up smiling and dropped this in my lap! if i don't win, i know what to order! :)

  137. This sounds like a wonderful, inspiring, and useful tool! Thank you for this chance to win!

  138. Ooh looks like the book I need. My friend and I are planning to collaborate on our etsy shops, this could really be an inspiration for us. Looks like you are having a ball with all that is going on. Congrats and I can't wait for your book.

  139. wow, sounds like a thing the world needed to hear about. i love creative tweaks on grey matter!

  140. Oh this sounds great and very useful for creative-types. I'd love a copy!

  141. Love what I know of Jennifer Lee so far and would love to have her book!

  142. This book is what I have been looking for...For those that are creative and creative wannabees. I need the help this book has to offer.

  143. website when you tweeted about this post. I would love love love a copy of her book!I will try to find it as it seems like a very interesting idea and I have looked far too much and too often at those .

  144. This year has really started busy for me, and this book would be one more step in the right direction... I know that the chances are small since there are so much commenters, but a girl's got to dream, right? ;-))

  145. that book sounds like it would be a perfect addition to my library...;-))
    Thank you for this give a way!

  146. Maya,
    Greetings from Canada! I like your blog (your on my favorites) and would like a copy of Jennifer's book.
    Best, Deb

  147. first time commenter and long time browser. thanks for doing what you do. put me in the running for the book, what a great idea. love it.
