
Monday, January 3, 2011


Dear friends,
I'm a bit torn in half this morning:  aching for the leisurely mornings of the holidays, but excited to find a rhythm again. Are you in the same boat? Making lists, admiring a brand new calendar, working on resolutions. It's exciting, but it kind of makes me want to go crawl under the warm covers again... well, only a small part of me. Mostly, I'm raring to go! In fact, I got up super early to BEGIN. Raisin cinnamon rolls are a currently baking in the oven, and it's only 7 am... so it's off to a good start, I'd say. My morning baking goal was to have the aroma travel up the stairs to ease my sleepy children back into a weekday schedule. Wish me luck!

Right now, I'm sitting at my desk with a cup of hot tea and the last remaining minutes of silence before the day breaks. The blank January page stares at me from the calendar hanging on the wall. I may not have begun transferring in dates yet,  but I  know some wonderful things that are in store a few months down the line. It almost feels like the June and September pages are fluttering beneath the rest. Maybe that's because I will be returning to Squam Art Workshops and teaching at both the Spring and Fall sessions!  My last two experiences at this amazing art retreat have been some of the highlights of each year. You've heard me go on about it both here and here... you've probably read other raves from both teachers and attendees.  There is a reason. Magic happens on Squam Lake. Lives transform at SAW. It's true. Go see what wonderful new offerings Elizabeth has gathered for 2011. If  you've been tempted before, maybe this is your year. I get giddy just thinking that we might have an opportunity to meet in "real time"!

So, I begin the New Year already anticipating magic... how wonderful is that? I'm also dreaming of new found inspiration, risking my wings outstretched, and hoping for balance along the way. And I invite you to join me right here so that we may dream, risk, and hope together! 
With all my love and wishes for a beautiful year,


  1. I'm hoping NEXT year is my year. I've had my eye on Squam for a while, but I'm not quite done nursing yet. Next year...

    (and oh, the mornings are hard in January and I've loved our lazy days but yes, rhythm is good too!)

  2. i love that..."anticipating magic."

    someday i'll make to squam as well.

  3. Happy New Year! I feel exactly the same way about today...but have to admit to feeling abit rusty. And I had early morningplans, too, but somehow didn't make it out of bed until it was time to wake the kids. There's always tomorrow...

  4. oh, yes, yes, yes. Thanks for the post. Last year I attended the Creative Connection Event. Vowing to do one creative retreat (or an advance as I call them) a year, will put Squam on the possibility list. My hope is for clarity in my creativity. Cheers to the possibilities the new year brings!

  5. AG Ambroult- Oh yes, rusty here too. I was lucky to have my husband get up early with me or I might not have. As far as the cinnamon rolls easing us into a beautiful bright morning... well, I don't think much could have helped. Sleepy children are sleepy children. My daughter who had been so excited for today LAST NIGHT, was in tears before we even made it to breakfast. So I'm with you... there's always tomorrow! ;) I'll be thinking of you in the a.m.

  6. Linda- I love your vow and hope for "clarity in creativity" sounds wonderful.

  7. HNY! What a wonderful way to start the new year with 2 bright spots on the calendar to look forward to, lucky girl!

    Thanks for your comment the other day. We are falling head first into 2011 and could use all of the well wishes and magic we can get. :)

    Peace, mama!

  8. I'm looking forward to your new year inspiration. Thanks for all you do.


  9. I'm jealous of you for your early-morning motivation! I didn't wake up until 10:30 today... harhar... but maybe I would've woken earlier if I smelled cinnamon goodies baking. ;] You sound lovely! It's a pleasure to follow your blog.

  10. It sounds like you're starting off great (especially with those cinnamon buns in the oven)... Squam sounds like a beautiful place to nurture creativity and I'm already longing for something like that. Wishing you a beautiful year.

  11. Hello,
    My best wishes for you on this new year.
    I almost can smell that cinnamon from here, umh!
    Greetings from Spain.

  12. Happy New Year. I like the vision of June and Sept. calendar pages fluttering beneath January - that made me smile. I suppose I'd best get a new calendar as I'm still staring at December here in my office.

    Thanks for the wonderful blog you have here and the inspiration. Cheers~

  13. SAW is pure magic, I'll be attending the fall session once again this year. I was hoping that your botanical printing would be offered during that session. I would love to learn that technique, the post from last years class was so inspiring. Thanks for sharing all your magic with the world!

  14. Sounds like some fun new classes at SAW to me!!!!
    See you in the Fall. xox Corrine

  15. Maya I love your creativity so much but what I admire most about you is the simple (well, if you can call baking raisin cinnamon rolls "simple") small things you do for your children that I'm sure they will remember for years and years to come. And oh how I wish SAW was not so far away for me! Also I guess the fact that I have bub no. #3 arriving in June could crimp long distance travelling. I'll just have to watch your preparation with interest! Happy 2011 x

  16. You know I've really been thinking a bout SAW and attending this year. When is it during the spring? And maybe you can tell me more about it. It sounds wonderful.

  17. thanks for all the wonderful new year's wishes!
    *Corrine- I can't wait to see you again in the Fall!!

    *Mel- congratulations on #3! Thank you for your loving words.

    *lisarenata- It would be so wonderful to finally meet! To answer just about all of your questions about June follow this link:

    and then you can always e-mail me for more.

  18. I have my first 'real life' morning this year today- yesterday Ireland was still lazy enjoying January Bank Holiday. It's hard:) however I was really looking forward to the new beginnings. New Year is so stimulating and promising time.
    All the best to you Maya, and to all your readers.

    Karo at karoArt.

  19. I feel very similar at the treshold to this new year, a bit timid and a great deal excited and full of resolutions. let's make it our year!

  20. Cinnamon rolls sound like the perfect way to usher in the new year to me! I like your word in caps too... BEGIN. It would be a good theme for this year (much better than FINISH - ha ha!). Here's to cinnamon rolls on frosty winter mornings and new beginnings all around!

  21. happy, happy new year to you, Maya! xoC

  22. Happy new year, Maya! As always, I am drawn to the peace here in your space. I love it here. Thank you for all you do and share. You do a LOT of stuff with your family and your art and yet it always comes across as you making and enjoying simple and rich moments. All good! Bless you!


    P.S. Thank you for putting my pocket quilt on your sidebar. It is an honor and it made me smile so wide.
