
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

give-away winner and good tidbits

 Thanks to everyone who entered the Dirty Girl Clayworks give-away! The lucky winner is:
"What beautiful and functional artwork. Thanks for the generous giveaway."

Please contact me with your mailing info so that I can pass it on to Faro. Thanks and congratulations!

I have lots of new bits for you and decided to round them all up in one nice list. Lists are so helpful and I seem to have them coming out of my ears these days!

  • Rhythm of the Home's free winter issue was just released in the wee hours of this morning! I'll be spotlighting it this weekend as they are a brand new sponsor. Welcome Rhythm of the  Home!
  • Nuno Magazine's latest issue featuring all things Gray is now available.Oh, I do love gray!  Editor, Elizabeth Abernathy, does a wonderful job of compiling a slew of inspiring and accessible diy and how-to projects all using sustainable and recycled materials. Here's a great preview.
  • There were some questions about how I printed letters so neatly in yesterday's comment section. I must admit: some of it is luck, but I left a response this morning that I hope was helpful. I even flirted with the idea of doing a video demonstration. Just a thought...
  • Interweave sent a surprise package to my real mailbox (as opposed to my virtual one!): their new calendar: Cloth Paper Scissors. It's quite beautiful and they have nine other assorted crafty/arty calendars available right here. Calendars are everywhere right now... finding just the right one is always so much fun!
  • I've started to sell my patterns directly from my blog through e-junkie. I'm still selling them on Etsy, but if you want to receive them instantly, purchase them from the little pattern button under the banner above. Quicker for you and easier for me.
  • There's a new book out called Craft In, by the lovely Kathleen McCaffterty of Lark. It's all about crafting with friends, and I bet it would be a hit with the 'tween and teen crowd. Might make a perfect holiday gift. I know I certainly love good crafty books for presents.
Craft-In: 12 Project Booklets for Your Own Crafty Gatherings

  • It is the first of December, and we will start opening our count-down to Christmas doors tonight! Behind door #1 will be a tiny map with directions to find all of our saved paper snowflakes and a roll of tape. Time to make more and stick our old favorites to the windows.
  • We'll also be lighting the first candle on our Menorah, frying up latkes and reading our favorite Chanukah book: Latkes, Latkes Good To Eat. It's actually one of our favorite books ever, but we only bring it out this time of year.
Latkes, Latkes, Good to Eat: A Chanukah Story
  • A sponsor gift guide is in the works for later today! Stay tuned...
 Happy December! Happy celebrating!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful surprise to be the winner! I needed a "win" today! Thanks to you and Dirty Girl Clayworks. I just emailed you.
