
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


With your help, I made a list of words that may act as mindfulness prompts throughout the day. I'm in the midst of working on a little project with them that I'll share soon, but their magic is already afoot. This morning before the sun was fully up, my daughter asked a frequent question: "What's your favorite color today?" As her faves shift daily, she often wonders if mine will too. However, when I gave her my same rote response (in a very groggy voice) she exclaimed "How come you never say yellow, Mama?  It's a very happy color!" I quickly added yellow, feeling somehow guilty that I had rejected "happy". As I went about our morning, I couldn't help but think how being present in the moment is tied into being welcoming... welcoming of new colors for the day, welcoming of  the unexpected. 
A few hours later, I found myself walking under this tree. If you could have seen my smile! Could there be more happy yellow than this?! Oh yes, yellow is today's favorite color!
ginkgo carpet
I had been out and about, and when I returned home to publish my already written blog post, it was gone. My little tapioca pudding post had disappeared (another time, perhaps!). I could feel my usual response rising to the surface, and I remembered the ginkgo tree... the welcoming of the unforseen.  I looked through the photos and grabbed my ginkgo stamp and some lovely yellow ink...
ginkgo print
I have much to learn, but I will try to remember to embrace each moment and to welcome new thoughts, colors, and the changes of plans into each day.


  1. Gorgeous! I love the white star created in the center. How did kids get so smart?

  2. Isn't it funny how the unexpected is usual far better than anything we might have planned. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. Ginkgo is my favourite tree! It's so exotic and pretty to a simple Irish girl. Lovely pictures!

  4. oh yes, embrace. that's a good one! yellow, ahhh...

  5. Beautiful! I love the gingko tree, the shape of the leaves are wonderful. Funny, I was actually also standing under a yellow tree yesterday (not gingko), made a similar picture, and thought about how yellow was actually a very nice colour, especially in this time of year! I might write something like that on my blog with a link to you!

    X, Janneke

  6. oooh my, that tree is absolutely stunning. the leaves on the ground almost look fake because they are so yellow and perfect. your print is very beautiful. i love the yellow.

  7. The gold of a gingko tree is one of my favorite yellows of all, as much for the many happy ginko memories it brings (my nana introduced me to their lovely shape and lore) as for the brilliant color they turn in the fall.

    The story, though, here, is as lovely as the tree.

  8. This is so lovely! I wish we had trees like that where I live...

  9. such rich images ..and yet even richer lessons...LOVe when this happens!!

  10. Well now, today my favorite color is yellow, too!

  11. I must agree..yellow is such a happy color :)

  12. our children teach us so much, don't they ? Yellow is a happy color indeed, and you know what I think about ginkgo, right ?! LOVE !!! And your stamp is simply amazing, I love it too ! oxoxox

  13. Lovely thoughts, lovely color, lovely tree... I'm having a happy yellow day too now! Thanks!

  14. Oh Maya! So, so, so beautiful I love the yellow. I love the photogaphs. I love the carpet of leaves. And I LOVE print. So perfect. All that yellow beauty makes my heart happy! Did I say Love enough? Love you :) xo xo

  15. lovely, Maya! We grew to love gingko trees when we lived in Oak Park, design home of Frank Lloyd Wright. They have such a presence in Arts and Crafts design. I have a shot of them on my blog now too- just the edges turning yellow that day.
    Looking forward to tapioca pudding when it turns up.

  16. You are so lucky to live in the country... It´s simple and so beautiful.

  17. That is stunning.

    And a lesson well worth remembering.

    I'm working on it myself.

  18. Oh wow that is a very beautiful tree, photos and blog post. Thankyou!

  19. Such a fabulous post!
    I want to lay down and roll around in those leaves. they look amazing.

  20. This carpet of leaves WAS roll worthy... wish I had done that. Your loving feedback is very much appreciated. Thanks friends!

  21. oh wow, me and your daughter have the same thoughts. I thought and felt the yellow is the color of what happy is all about! and what i did?we had our house painted yellow inside and out! everybody smiles when passing by! that makes me feel happy too! beautiful post and thoughts!

  22. gorgeous! put it in your shop and i will snatch it up!!! a great sunshine to wake up to in the morning!

  23. Maya,
    I am so glad that I peeked in here today. Thank you for that reminder. I LOVE your image! So, so lovely. Can I barter something?? xoxo katri

  24. How did you get that shot of the black pants amongst the ginko leaves??? Please tell!

  25. katri- we'll talk

    Four Gambel Girls and a Guy- No magic, I promise. I just pointed the camera down at my feet. Those are the black boots I happened to be wearing... and that you'll probably find me wearing almost every day until it's flip flop season again.

  26. what a beautiful post. thank you for this important reminder of how to be open to what is right in front of us.

  27. That is just so gorgeous Maya! The leaves of the ginko tree are my absolute favorite, and your print is just stunning. I too write down words where I can see them as daily reminders. My current one is "Smile".

  28. i do adore the yellow of gingko. we rode our bikes under the huge gingko out in front of city hall last night -the leaves almost glow in the dark.

  29. i do adore the yellow of gingko. we rode our bikes under the huge gingko out in front of city hall last night -the leaves almost glow in the dark.

  30. Yes! Embrace -- happy yellow! The tree is amazing.


  31. beautiful post...a lovely way to start my day..thank-you!!!

  32. Yellow is a happy color indeed,what a beautiful post.

  33. hurray for daughters...who remind one of all the beautiful simple things one sometimes can't see as a grown up. I just love the really makes one happy!!! Beautiful pictures and the artwork you made is very beautiful!! Inspiring!!!(excuse me for my english I was always better in talking than writing.

  34. I liked this post of you a lot!!!
    I love Gingko Trees...they're wonderful!!
    And you stamp is fantastic!!
    Have a nice Sunday!!
    Love from Italy!

  35. Oh, please say you are going to sell this as a print in your shop, Maya? It is absolutely beautiful in it's gorgeous simplicity and color. I love it.

  36. Three Cheers for YELLOW!
    Ginkgos are amazing. Did you know: the Ginkgo tree is one the best examples of a living fossil, or species that have survived all major extinction events.

    They are a source of inspiration for their perseverance and their beauty/happy color.

    A friend just sent me to your blog. It is lovely. Keep up the great work.

  37. thank you for this post! and i am thinking i need my own ginko stamp and ink :).
