
Friday, September 10, 2010

suspended screens

a food nets
I pulled out of my grandmother's trunk... remember that game? I know it was more about putting into the trunk, but you get the idea. Sometimes it feels like my mother's barn is a bottomless trunk (think Mary Poppins' carpet bag!) of treasures. She has three of  these delicate little collapsible mesh tents that were once used at picnics to keep the bugs away from food. I'm sure they have a name, maybe you know what they're called. Each one is quite fragile, but seemed too lovely to stay packed away in a box. The moment  I popped one open, images of  floating parasols came to my mind. And since the barn loves parasols so much...
a food net double 
They've now spent the summer suspended from wire curtain rods in the bathroom.
barn bathroom
They twirl in the breeze and catch the light, especially the one that wears jewel encrusted napkin rings.
a food screen
Their ethereal structure looks different depending upon the time of day...even catching and holding the evening shadows.
a shadow
 I often suggest turning objects upside down to give them a new purpose, now I'll  try hanging it above my head, too.  As long as it doesn't weigh a ton of bricks, of course.
Have a great weekend!


  1. can you put a light bulb in them? At first I thought they were wired with a tiny light bulb... Fun idea!

  2. O.M.G..These are the most lovely photos and evoke a world that I would love to be in. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I almost bought a food tent this summer - then I remembered that my kids eat so fast that bugs don't stand a chance of getting to the food. I obviously was thinking too literally and not seeing all the possibilities... I do like that shadow pic

  4. I have two or three of those (newer and not as charming). I never knew what they were called either. What a lovely way to display them!

  5. Very pretty bathroom! I love that red metal chair in there, perfect pop of color. My MIL has some old bug keeper offers and we still use them.

  6. What a uniquely beautiful way to dress a window! Just lovely, and I agree that the new ones you find in the stores today don't have much charm when compared with your vintage ones.
    You always have such wonderful ideas, Maya, and your mother's barn is indeed a treasure trove.

  7. Thanks for your great feedback, friends.
    Sharna- I'd be a little scared to put a light in one, but it's a beautiful idea.

  8. i also thought of a light
    the energy efficient bulbs don't heat up
    or you could use those tiny ikea fairy lights
    always love where you imagination takes us

  9. Soo pretty! I love how they look like tiny parasols.
