
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

epic journey

our rainbow
Twelve years ago we welcomed our first child into the world. A dozen years later, and that beautiful little baby boy is now as tall as me. It happened in the blink of an eye. They tell you it will fly by, but it seemed impossible in the early years... I mean those sleepless nights felt like a year unto themselves. But here we are on the threshold of the teen years, and I can't quite believe it. Not possible! I've been tender and nostalgic all day. Truth be told... I've felt this way all week, as I recount my last few days of  pregnancy. I've always done that with my children around their birthdays,  think back to what life was like around their birth.
birthday boy
I am so eternally happy to have my son in our life. He made me a mother, and I continue to learn something new about parenting and life everyday with him. His sweet and enthusiastic words following tonight's birthday sundaes:  today was "epic". And I would add... this journey is epic, and I'm so grateful to be sharing it with him.


  1. the time does fly by awfully fast, doesn't it?
    My daughter turned nineteen this year and my son will be sixteen in November. I truly don't know where the time has gone, but like you I am so grateful they are our children and feel so very blessed.
    Happy birthday to your sweet son.
    Loving those pics with the rainbows. Beatuiful!

  2. When I look back at my life..the bit I would do again is the time when my boys were little. You are so right. They are gone from the nest so quickly.. when you think it is forever at the time. Love the photo.

  3. gorgeous post. those photos are remarkable. happy birth day, mama!

  4. Beautifully said. I have two girls and feel exactly the same. At times, it felt like they would never grow up, and then at times I have no idea how they got to be so big!
    Happy Birthday for (you and) your boy!

  5. Happy Birthday to your boy,from Kuşadası at Turkey...Everyday ,I'm living that moments,because I'm still holiday...thanks ...

  6. A rainbow is fitting. Such an ordinary event, really and yet it's awe-inspiringly magical every single time. x

  7. Very, very sweet. Happy birthday to your boy. I already feel the years slipping with my four and two year old. But it is lovely to watch them grow. Lovely pictures also!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh, I understand. My older son is now 10, and he is so special because he is the one who made me a mother. I have other little ones still but being with them is sometimes heartbreaking because I now know so well that it really does go quickly. And they remind me of what he was like, once. Happy birthday to your boy.

  10. stories like this get me excited about being a mom! thanks for sharing :)

  11. my oldest is turning *14* in a few weeks. how did that happen? :)

    i keep trying to reassure my friends with young children that it just gets better and better as they get older. (hard to believe, i know, when you think of how wonderful the baby and toddler years are!) but it's true .. being able to know them as they grow into themselves .. what a gift!

    happy birthday to your boy :)


  12. 12 yrs of parenting, congrats to you ! my oldest, a son, turned 12 this year, too :) only 1 yr left til the teen years...

  13. dearest maya,

    i shed a joyous tear for you today.

    much love,

  14. thank you, thank you for this thoughtful and loving birthday wishes!

  15. Hi Maya! My daughter turned 13 back in August and I'm still feeling tender about it :) Such an amazing thing to be a mom to such beautiful creatures, isn't it? Every now and then this fact still takes me by surprise.

  16. This made me smile - I just posted today about my 12 year old - who is taller than me - how quick they grow, how wonderful it is watching them blossom - Happy Birthday wishes to your lovely 12 year old from the Mummy of one of her own on the other side of the world! x

  17. I feel the same way about my 14-year old son---where did the years go?! I also remember those last few days of my pregnancy with him very clearly---like it was yesterday. So sweet, yet sad all at the same time.

    Best wishes to you and your son!
