
Thursday, July 15, 2010

beat the heat: paddle fan #1

fans for childrens
We're having amazing weather! After days of heat, my daughter made lots of folded paper fans to help us all stay cool. They don't last very long, so we decided to make a sturdier, more permanent version: a paddle fan from a recycled cereal box. They're incredibly effective at keeping you cool, and a perfect project to do with a friend... maybe out at a picnic table in the shadefan making.
I made the fans ahead of time for the girls... they asked for butterflies. They spent an inordinate amount of time decorating them. An experiment with different mediums on the cereal box scraps is a nice way to start. Both girls opted for watercolor crayons and watercolors.
fan decorating
Tempura would be a brighter option, but they were extremely satisfied with their results.

fan supplies
    • paints,brushes, markers, crayons, etc.
    • collage supplies are another option

    1. Draw desired fan shape onto the inside of a cardboard box.
    2. Place both box sides right side to right side and cut out drawn shape. A paper clip holding the two pieces together is helpful, but not necessary.
    3. Cover one entire glossy side (right side) with glue. Place craft stick on bottom in the center.
    4. Squeeze more glue on the stick.
    5. Place the second piece of cardboard on top to form a sandwich.
    6. Weight it with a heavy book and let dry.
    You now have a wonderful little canvas to customize/decorate in any way that inspires you. Perfect activity for a party, I'm thinking...


    In fact, I was so excited about all this fan making, I had to try one myself. I'll show you my quick little fan next.


    1. Even more than the paddle fan idea, I love the outdoor arts and crafts area! My boys are notoriously messy when it comes to crafting and it's hard to let them break loose in the house... I don't know why I haven't thought of a vinyl tablecloth outdoors!

    2. What a brilliant idea and so much fun.

    3. What a fun idea for the kids and all these bright colors make me smile :)

    4. I love how you made this from simple items around the house!

    5. Yes, crafting on an oilcloth at the picnic table is a favorite of mine!

    6. They are simply beautiful...xx

    7. way to take on the heat! super cute to boot.

    8. So cute.
      I love your tablecloth. Is it vinyl or fabric?
      Where did you get it?

    9. Thanks Ella,
      My mom gave us this one, but you can buy them on line. Do a little search on Etsy under oilcloth yardage. You should be able to find just what you're looking for!

    10. How perfect! My daughter has been very into playing with craft sticks this week, so this will be a nice addition to the games already in process!

    11. THis is such a great idea, perfect for weather right now and perfect for my kids age. :-) Thanks!

    12. We're doing this tomorrow. I scrapbook, so we have plenty of empty cereal boxes that I save for mini album pages. This will be a hit with my two little ones...well, the 18-year old might join in, too.

    13. Those are so much fun! I love how you could make shapes for any occasions. Thanks for the great idea, I'll be linking.

    14. what a great idea! we are in the hot and sticky part of summer here in iowa. i'll have to make those with my girls this weekend. thanks for the idea!!!
