
Wednesday, April 7, 2010


My husband and I watched the sun rise through the trees this morning. We stood beneath the flowering Magnolia. Just the two of us... and a choir of a thousand birds. After 11 years of parenting and almost 14 years of marriage, you'd think we'd have it all figured out. Not yet... but we do know this:  the gift of time is priceless. Not just to our children, but to one another. Even if it means setting the alarm clock for a date at dawn...


  1. How sweet.
    We do have to take time out and have precious moments with one another often.
    The sunrise looks beautiful in the background.

  2. what a beautiful morning. i just came back from a photo walk around our neighborhood with my husband. it is really amazing here this morning. the calm and the sun as the storm is moving in. will post pictures later. off to make a few stops and get back to my favorite yoga class...a promise of time to myself. thanks for sharing.
    question-what type of magnolia is that it is so beautiful?

  3. It was a beautiful morning... the sun has now vanished, so it feels especially sweet. I believe our tree is a Star Magnolia. We planted it on our wedding anniversary when our son was four. It was the same size as him... now it's taller than my over 6 ft. husband! Much taller.

  4. That is a breathtaking photo, thanks for reminding us to take time for each other (if only a little...)!

  5. this is a beautiful shot!
    man I wouldn't be much good on a date at dawn! hehe!
    But you gotta do what you gotta do!

  6. Utterly gorgeous photo and your words. Simply beautiful. Thank you, Maya. Thank you for this post. :)

    Sending sunshine your way,

  7. willownest- daunting dawn!;) We're morning folks and our kids have taken to sleeping in, so it feels like a new found moment. We also both have projects we're working on most evenings, so morning it is!

  8. I find myself wishing for more time with my husband lately. He's been working late a lot...unfortunately, he's also not a morning person. So I have a little envy of your lovely morning. Reminds me that I should get weekend babysitting lined up, too!

  9. Wise words - even wiser to practise them... Beautiful post!

  10. Just lovely! That, even I just see a picture, makes me feel so "warm" and just let me think nothing. Wonderful. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. ines

  11. such a lovely and sweet thing to do! our magnolia has burst into full bloom overnight with the warm days we're having :)

  12. This is so beautiful... I don't know if I left you a message before but I've been visiting often. I love your blog - you're so inspirational.

  13. I think it's fantastic that after so many years of marriage you still go on dates :)

  14. You are so right, Maya. What an incredible photo!

  15. what a beautiful photo and matching sentiment. My hubby and I are in need of a little connecting ourselves, and perhaps a dawn date is in order!

  16. So beautiful Maya. Thank you for the reminder to stop and appreciate the everyday beauty, and the mysterious passing of time.

  17. I love the mornings spent with the only man I have loved for over 28 years now. We set the alarm (not that we really need it after all these years) for 30 minutes before he needs to get up and snuggle, then breakfast together, he goes off to work in the big city and I, still in my pj's wait do some chores, catch up on my favorite blogs and emails and wait for the sounds of life other than the kitties before another round of breakfast ...

  18. beautiful photo. the image and words capture such a lovely moment. thanks for the reminder to spend time together. i haven't seen the sun rise in ages. i'd love to see it again soon.

  19. Wow, that is an amazing sunrise! And you're right, well worth it. So wonderful!

  20. Beautiful picture and sentiment. Well done :)

  21. That is very sweet! My grandmother, who suffered from dimentia and could barely string two words together, grabbed me once when everyone else left the room. She said "Time...time...time is precious."

    And yes, that is a BEAUTIFUL picture!

  22. Amazing picture, I love that you actually woke up so early for a date. Wow, giving me ideas ;)

  23. Lovely!
    I need to learn a lesson from this little story!
