
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

more spring thoughts

Beautiful weather means I get to cut burlap outside. Dissecting multiple coffee sacks is messy business for floors, but perfect for outdoors. Stray beans hide in the grass, strands of jute blow away in the breeze and hopefully find their way into little spring nests.

Pandora's great to listen to, but nothing beats birdsong for a soundtrack.  My family and I are spending every moment we can outside. Even inside projects and jobs  are getting retrofitted so that they can travel out back. There is nothing quite like spring in the country, and I'm reveling in the newness of it all.
 It's as if I truly forget how magnificent spring is each year.  I'm just as surprised and awestruck, as if I'm seeing the blossoms unfold or witnessing the birth of leaves all for the first time... I find myself asking "are there always so many robins? does it usually smell this sweet? have you ever seen such gorgeous flowers?". There is a sense of deja vu... I know I've asked these questions in prior Aprils and Mays. The seasons are marvelous. Our earth is miraculous. Hope you're enjoying... wherever you are on the planet!


p.s.  Alyssa, of Keep it Real  and Aurora Shoe Co., is holding a phenomenal Earth Day give-away of a pair of beautiful shoes from our lovely sponsor, the one and only Aurora Shoe Company. Leave her a comment with a sustainable change you plan to make and get a chance to walk away in a pair of your choosing.


  1. Oh! I love your outdoor sewing table! What a wonderful idea!

  2. Yes, outdoor sewing looks heavenly. And as for the seasons, I agree. As much as I curse the last part of winter, it makes for an amazing spring every time!

  3. I don't blame you for wanting to spend as much time in that beautiful outdoors. We're having the sunshine after the rain day today, but I'm going to be stuck indoors. Oh well.

  4. Hi Maya!

    I linked to your hanger hook post in my blog yesterday:

    And now I have to go clean the potting things off my picnic table so I can work out there! You are such and inspiration.

    Thank you (again and again and again.)

  5. I love bird songs too- nothing like it. Thanks for the links for Aurora shoes!

  6. Thanks for the Aurora shoes link. I will hopefully get outside and do some crafty stuff tomorrow. You make me LOVE burlap ;)

  7. Oh these shoes look amazing, I need to check out this link!

  8. This summer I want to hang a clothes line in our back yard to hang out blankets and beach towels after washing. The sun does a better job than the dryer anyway! (just have to wait for the pollen to pass)

    ...and I forgot how lovely Aurora shoes are :)

  9. I love your work table! Perfect! I need an clothes line in the back; my tiny drying rack just doesn't cut it.

  10. oooooo those shoes!!!!
    i used to have a pair maybe 15 years ago.
