
Thursday, February 11, 2010

swallow post

Look what I found outside in the snow! I was just in time to meet the mail carrier... and what surprises she had tucked under her wings! Click on the photo below to enlarge.

Go ahead and peek inside...

With her permission I will be taking the entire mailbox inside to protect it from the elements. It will be waiting on my daughter's nightstand when she wakes up on Valentines' Day. Grandma Bunny will be on hand to read letters and help determine which doll gets which. I've put aside a handful of tiny treasures (baby stones, shells, sea glass, you get the idea) that will be wrapped and tied with string.


So whether she's an old favorite or a new discovery, your comments about Tasha were all so wonderful. She really does inspire that sense of magic that we all felt as children and hopefully haven't lost now that we're able to drive a car and pay bills. I sometimes think as adults we need that sense of wonder even more than ever, so thank you for indulging me in this little adventure over the last week.

  • My daughter is not as familiar with sparrows as she is with swallows, thus the name change.
  • The mailbox was constructed with none other than an Annie's Bunny cracker box. Grandma Bunny approved.
  • The mysterious parcel was too pretty to unwrap... it holds a very tiny piece of Japanese fabric with a hedgehog on it (like this).
  • I highly recommend cutting little hearts out of paper doilies... so sweet!


  1. oh Maya Maya (just realizing that I very often start my comments like this, but hey, that's because you amaze me each time !!!)
    you put so much magic in your life & yours loved ones' too ... they're so lucky to have you, as much as you're lucky to have them.
    The boys will be on vacation tomorrow evening, we have to work together during these *quiet* moments) thanks so much for the reminder.
    sending you tons of hugs oxoxo

  2. What a gorgeous, gorgeous little blog you have here! :) xxx

  3. this is amazing! How realistic it all looks! Yes you are certainly creating some magic!

  4. Too adorable for words. One of my favourite memories is opening a parcel containg a tiny doll, so I can only imagine how wonderful your daughter is going to feel with her tiny packages :-)

  5. Love this! Mailboxes are always a favorite of mine, but this is just too magical! Great idea!

  6. Capturing the "magic we felt as children" is a wonderful way to express what many of us adults long for! Thanks Maya, for reminding us of the joy of a playful and imaginative spirit. Your daughter will surely LOVE and always remember the sweet special gift you made for her.- Mary

  7. Very sweet! What a wonderful surprise.

  8. This is such a delightful little love treasure!

  9. Thank you so much for sharing such a sweet and touching project. Beautiful!! I hope one day when I have children I can show them magic like you do. Have a wonderful day!

  10. Love! What a sweet project for you and your daughter. What a lucky little girl she is to have your creativity create such magic memories.

  11. Maya, thanks so much for reminding me what a fantastic book this, I haven't leafed thru my copy for a while. My own pompom owl post was based on that picture of Tasha and her owls.
    I have often though of setting up a "sparrow post" for my own dollhouse which is currently in construction.(and will probably be finished by the time my grandkids arrive in 20yrs the rate I'm going) How wonderful for your daughter to have such a creative and inspiring Mom.
    The Tasha Tudor gardening book is just as terrific.
    Take care.

  12. Such a sweet idea. You have such patience and creativity - lovely blog. I have an award for you over on my own much inferior one.

  13. When my children were Little and at home, we made a Sparrow Post and brought it out every year for Sending and Receiving our Valentines. What a wonderful memory you are making with your children.

    Tasha Tudor was a sweet influence on our lives too.


  14. Completely lovely. Everything in miniature makes me smile :)

  15. I have a lump in my throat (a happy lump) because of this beautifully sweet idea. Thank you for sharing...

  16. I love this idea! Something about miniature letters and wee mailboxes is very sweet. What a nice surprise for your daughter!

  17. So lovely and perfect! Beautiful!

  18. Wow, I thank you for bringing Tasha Tudor into my life, so inspirational, I am going to search for the book. The photos are stunning.

    As for your daughters' valentine treats, so pretty, so thoughtful, what treasured memories she will have.

    Sarah x

  19. this is such a beautiful idea. She will love it.

  20. Absolutely adorable! I've been inspired to say the least.

  21. ohh. this is all just so gorgeous!!!

  22. What beautiful pictures! Such a pretty green bird, too. I'm sure the Valentine will be treasured for many years to come!

  23. hola! i am new to your blog and have been finding every visit such a treat! thank you!

    you've really inspired me with your tiny swallow post. i'm a mail artist that works small, but with this new inspiration, i've gone even smaller! if you're curious you can have a peek here:

    thanks again, for sharing your world! i can just picture the excitement when your daughter wakes up to this surprise!!!

  24. Too funny! I hadn't checked your blog in awhile and was so surprised to find this. We started our 'year of Tasha Tudor' this January after finding a copy of A Time to Keep at a library sale last fall. Sparrow post made an appearance at our house this year, too! I'm particularly looking forward to sending our August daughter's birthday cake down the little neighborhood creek this summer. :)
