
Sunday, February 14, 2010



  1. Hello Maya-

    It's Saturday February 13th, home from a birthday party and scrambling to finish Valentine's Day prep. I googled woven heart baskets, got many hits but chose your link because I mistakenly read "Mayan" and was curious about reviving an old tradition(again I'm thinking "Mayan"). So glad I misread and found your blog.

    I'm completely jazzed and totally thrilled about what you're sharing here and I've added your blog to the list of ones I'm following.

    Thanks again!!

  2. Happy valentine's day to you and family ;
    Thanks for being you !
    Keren Gillan

  3. That picture alone is super inspiring. Now I want to go make cat toys, lavender filled pillows, and pasta! Thanks!

  4. Have a beautiful day my friend....these little hearts are so sweet!

  5. Happy Saint Valentine's Day, Maya... these hearts look edible for some reason... and I know how they'd taste, too!

  6. Such cute hearts! Reminds me of delicious little Uncrustable sandwiches!

  7. Your hearts are so simple and sweet - just what Valentine's Day should be.

  8. I wanted to say thanks for sharing the mini kisses.... I was enchanted and made up a handful of them. I carried them around yesterday and passed them out randomly spreading smiles and happiness everywhere from young to old! Even the "I'm too cool for Valentine's Day" boys were giggling and grinning over them... They were so realistic looking that folks thought it was a new line from Hershey's! Thanks sooooo much!! I met Tasha Tudor once and somewhere around here I have her autograph... Hope you and your family are warm and cozy and enjoying the day!
