
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where's the burlap?

I've been getting numerous requests about burlap and buckets... "will you ever make them again?" seems to be the most frequently asked question. The answer is YES! There are already several in the construction phase. And I'm finally creating another pattern... or two. I needed a little breather, desperately. I'm simply not cut out for mass production on a regular basis. (Well, unless they're unicorn ears!) I need room for new ideas to emerge. You do too, I'm sure. Stepping back and finding inspiration from new sources always recharges me. Working with other repurposed materials (such as newspaper and cracker boxes) also helps me to return to burlap with new appreciation and passion. I'm planning a shop update on February 1st!

One more thing...
Being nominated for Handmade Eco-Artist, over at The Poppies Award Ceremony, really touched me... deeply. I felt awkward and shy about saying that before. I tend to be a little bit wary of titles, mainly out of concern for their limitations. However, hearing that I was in the running as a Handmade Eco-Artist made my heart sing. Truly! I often have a difficult time telling people what I do. That little box for your occupation on forms always disturbs me. I have not always had the confidence in my art that I do today. So much of it has grown right here on my blog... with you. So regardless of who ends up winning the category (especially since I love and admire many who I'm competing with), I feel like I've already gained such a sweet gift. Handmade Eco Artist... I love that, and I may just write that down on the next form I sign. So if you did vote, you should know that it was appreciated more than you might have realized. I send you a heartfelt thank you! The link for more info is up in my sidebar.


  1. Looking forward to your shop update in February =0)

  2. Just voted for you! Thanks for the link to that... it was nice to look through.

  3. I know what you mean about what to "call" yourself. After all these years I still don't have my "elevator" speech down. I am a designer....and I make lots of stuff! :)

  4. just voted for you!!! hope u win :)

  5. Oh, that is so incredibly lovely hun....I am so glad you got that gift. Handmade eco artist fits you so well. I would just add one little thing.....Magical handmade eco artist! :)

  6. I voted! Yay you!

    And did you notice that a challenge on Project Runway was to make a party frock out of burlap? They made some gorgeous things that I would never have expected would be possible with burlap. I thought of you.

  7. I agree that nothing gets me more energized than taking a step back and looking for new inspiration. Your blog is always packed with ideas. I think I need to make that adorable heart bunting this year.

  8. you hold the title eco artist so beautifully in your hands and in your heart
    you have my vote

  9. Congratulations - I think you are a winner already

  10. You've got my vote, Maya. It is hard when you have to fill in "occupation" on a form and don't have a traditional job description. Glad you now have yours!

  11. You are definitely MY favorite eco-artist!!!

  12. Oh Maya... I'm totally with you! Mass production was not meant for crafters but for machines... We definitely need time to make all those ideas that are floating around in our heads :o) Hugs, Laurraine
