
Monday, January 19, 2009


Happy Pear day! Last month I shared a delicious pear print from Lollychops. Remember it from the gift wrapping post? Well, Lolly went and printed it at Spoonflower! When she received her lovely fabric, she decided to ask her readers what they would make if they had a little piece of it. She chose her favorite answers and then GAVE a fat quarter to the lucky winners! What a creative way to have a give-away and share her pears! I was fortunate enough to have an idea Lolly enjoyed: pear shaped Matryoshka dolls. Here they are... the pear gals!

Thanks Lolly, your print is lovely and sewing with Spoonflower fabric is delightful! I'm hoping to design my own swatch one day soon. Inspiration is contagious. Click here for the other winning projects, so fun!
p.s. I bet you can guess how much my daughter loves these, especially that baby pear!

A quick update since I posted this: my brilliant son just said... so why didn't you call them Peartroshkas? Why? Because I'm not half as quick as he is! I'm off to edit the title... oh, and my daughter wants one more baby... with closed eyes. You can never have too many babies, I mean pears!


  1. These are sooo cute, I love Lolly's patterns, and your little dolls are so sweet!

  2. Hi Maya ! Happy new week :) awww isn't that pear family just the cutest !! Yeah for your idea of the pear character with Lollychop's printed patterns ! That's a fab maariage ! They couldn't be any sweeter, no wonder why you daughter loves the baby pear, that's my fav too !! LOL
    Off to write you a fat email. Just couldn't this weekend. I hope you're fine ! Much love oxoxo
    PS : the other projects were very cool as well !

  3. Gorgeous, gorgeous and gorgeous... I love the pear family!

    What a fbulously creative and community-minded giveaway. And a great collaboration.

  4. really cute pear fabric and matroyskas family... loveliness

  5. The pear dollys are so cute.

  6. Hi Maya!
    I adore the pear family!
    Green is one of my favourite colors


  7. I love your pear family, they are so gorgeous! No wonder your daughter loves them.

    And that fabric is adorable. I liked the print version, but it's even better as a fabric :-)

  8. I love these so much, the spoonflower fabric, the green, the matryushkas, the pears ( one of my favorite fruits) and the fact that you designed and made them. I can picture a whole line of fruit shaped families. Thanks for brightening my day :)

  9. They are wonderful. Love the print, and love pears in general (edible and not) so these are particularly appealing!

  10. Hey Maya,

    What a lovely pear family! I can't wait to see the workshop where such dolls are created...sometime soon. There is a Japanese story called "Momotaro" about a peach boy, but I think you have created a similar birth to a pear family!

    (Oh, I figured out how to post.)

  11. I literally gasped when I saw the little pear family. I am beside myself with inspiration.

  12. That is an adorable way to pay homage to Lolly's pear fabric! So cute!

  13. These are adorable! I love your brain! I've linked to your project from the Craft Gossip sewing blog:

  14. Fantastic! What a wonderful way to incorporate Lolly's fun patterns, and your son and daughter are sweet with their enthusiasm too. Hope you have a great week!

  15. How adorable! And brilliant. Combining the pears and the matryoshka. And I have to say sounds like the boy is continuing in his mother's footsteps, what with his genius peartryoshka connection. That takes a creative mind.

  16. Isn't this cute, kids helping and inspiring their blogging moms! My girls keep an eye on my blog, too...
    Love the pear-family!

  17. I love Lolly's blog and her pears!!! You did a great job with the fabric! So stinking adorable!

  18. How wonderful. I have only just discovered Spoonflower and I have to say I LOVE it. So much inspiration!

  19. That's just the cutest thing. And your son is a hoot!

    (In case "hoot" isn't in your local lingo, a "hoot" means he's really funny.)

  20. Pears + matroyshkas = brilliant! It's clear why you won the prize!

  21. These are just gorgeous Maya. Clever boy & super sweet girl you've got there.

  22. How adorable! I love how much creativity can be inspired from a square of cute fabric. :) The entire pear family is so cute -- I think they would befriend Grandma Bunny too!

  23. Maya.. you did such an amazing job! I am posting them tomorrow! I cannot wait to see what else you come up with crafty girl!

    Hearts & Flowers!

  24. Your pear family turned our great! I love how your mind works, and your son's!!

  25. Oh my! These are adorable! We are very into matryoshkas around here after reading The Littlest Matryoshka over and over again. What a great book - what a GREAT project!

  26. Sooo cute! I love them. Nice job.

  27. your pinky is more talented than my whole body...these are just too wonderful...xo t
