
Sunday, January 4, 2009

here's to a new year!

So has it really only been 1o months since I started maya*made!!? I'm so grateful to have found a medium for sharing my ideas... so are my friends and family who were ready to see them actualized, already! Thanks to all of you, I stay constantly inspired and motivated to keep making and writing about it. Your loving and supportive comments make me unspeakably happy. Your personal e-mails have been so thoughtful. Even if you just read, but never check in... I feel your presence and appreciate your visits. So here's a look back at 2008... what a full year! Here are some shots from the early days:

and these will look more familiar to most of you:

I'm so happy to be ushering in 2009 from a place of total relaxation and rejuvenation. By the year's end, my life and the many projects that keep filling it had taken on a frantic edge. As you can see, I've been making up a storm. Finding the path to balance as a mother/partner/crafter/artist seemed to be slipping out of my grasp. I desperately needed a break and some distance to reflect on this amazing whirlwind of a year. Enter my loving husband... he saw my need and made sure my family and I took the vacation of our lives! We just spent a week off the Florida coast on Sanibel island. I might live in the Northeast very happily, but I grew up in Calfornia and have Puerto Rican roots... I respond very well to warm climates and ocean breezes! After I go through all of the pictures, I will share a few. The photographer in me went a bit crazy with the new flora and fauna, but I promise just a few! I'm coming home calm, centered, and ready to make this upcoming year even more memorable.

I have many exciting projects in store and will be sharing more details as they unfold. My goals for 2009? Many, but my big one is to inspire you to have faith in yourself. We all have the ability to create beauty. Trying new mediums and practicing different techniques is a wonderful way to learn. I hope you'll jump in and try something new with me in the upcoming months. Here's to gaining new skills, spreading beauty, and loving our own two hands!


  1. I for one have already been abundantly inspired by you. Thank you for your willingness to be open about the process and joy you engage in as you fulfill your dreams. I love seeing it all happen!

  2. Happy New Year Maya.. I am ready to jump in with ya!! Let's go!!!!!!

  3. Happy New Year and thanks for the additional push to BE MYSELF and have FAITH that I can make beauty!

  4. Happy New Year! It is so good to hear that you are refreshed and rejuvenated. Good for your husband for knowing what you needed. Some of that Florida warmth sounds really good right now! I wish you all the best in your endeavors this year.

  5. Happy New Year to you and your fantastic blog !!

  6. Hi Maya :) It's so good to read you & your family got a well needed vacation where it's warm & toasty LOL I'm so glad for you too that you feel rejuvinated ... lots of great things to come this year, for everyone I hope. Thanks so much for sharing the way you do, we're all so thankful you decided to create a blog last year !! You're a daily inspiration, thanks again very much. Have an awesome start of the week & of the year ! Take care ! xoxo

  7. I think that if we all put our own two hands together we can change the world by building connections one thread at a time. Thanks Maya for being such an important part of the handmade world and one of it's best advocates and teachers.

  8. I enjoyed looking at your "early days" pictures!

  9. Thank you for the ongoing inspiration...I grew up in California and now live on the East Coast and can relate to to the need to warm your bones...welcome back!

  10. I'm so glad you got to have a wonderful vacation. I've been to Sanibel several times and it's so beautiful! I can't wait to see all the creative and magical projects you'll share with us in the coming year.

  11. I love Sanibel! It is lovely and the absolute BEST place to find seashells! I hope you found some beautiful ones!

  12. Good morning and thank you. I just recently came across your blog and have only been writing mine for 6 months (which feels like forever sometimes.) Your creations are beautiful and inspiring.

  13. Can't wait to see what awaits in the new year. Hopefully lots of fun new projects and lots of creativity

  14. Your blog and projects have already been a huge source of inspiration to me. Thankyou for being so generous in helping others develop their creativity.
    I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing holiday. I'm looking forward to what the next few months will bring :-)

  15. Ten months?!?!?! I haven't been blogging very long so I always assume my favorite blogs have been around forever. I'm so impressed at what you've managed to accomplish blog-wise in ten months. Wow! I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you!

  16. I live on Sanibel Island and would love to hear more about your vacation. :-) I hope you had a great time!

  17. Your stuff is so lovely. And, you have been INCREDIBLY inspiring in my sewing/creating journey. I wish you many blessings for 2009.

  18. Happy New Year Maya! So glad you got wisked away to some sun and sand and got a break, sounds like you have a very intuative husband! Looking forward to checking in and creating with you in 2009!

  19. your ability to find beauty in the small things is so very inspiring.
    cheers to a fabulous new year!

  20. I can't believe you've only been blogging such a short time. You are an inspiration.

    I wish abundance for you in the new year.

  21. I've enjoyed all your fun projects all through last year and will look forward to the new ones. (I think you need to do a flickr of the 365 ones....on the barn/house. I still drool over that.......) jan

  22. Happy New Year Maya!
    May all your wishes and dreams for 2009 come true!
    I'm looking forward to see what great ideas you come up with next! :0)

  23. Maya, you are such an inspiration to us all! I love seeing your work as an artist, and your positive spirit is certainly felt by all :) I look forward to sharing 2009 with you!

  24. What a wonderful post. Thank you for being there and sharing your beautiful ideas and hand made things. I am glad I found your blog lately. You are such an inspiration.

  25. Happy New Year Maya!
    So glad to hear you had a lovely vacation!
    Here is to a wonderful creative year ahead!

  26. I too have already found you very inspiring, and I look forward to more in this new year. Thank you for sharing it all with us x

  27. oh maya!! so beautifully written--i know just the feeling you're talking about--am so glad you had a chance to recharge those wonderful batteries of yours!'s to a happy new year of inspiration and friendship

  28. an extremely beautiful year of memories...I am dying to see the photographs for your trip! You deserved it more than anyone I know..xo t
