
Monday, December 15, 2008


Our weekend started early, with schools being canceled on Friday for a snow day!
I'm sharing these photos for all of you that don't have snow... especially my nieces in Hawaii! We wish you could all come over for sledding and frolicking in this winter wonderland!

Even though the world is now covered in white, we managed to have a house filled with Flower Fairies... as we celebrated my daughter's 4th birthday, yesterday. Making wands and little flower friends... eating flower fairy cakes...

Each fairy went home with a magic bag filled with:
-butterfly stickers
-glitter pens
-felt butterfly wand & flower friend
-fairy dough (homemade with glitter and lavender essential oil)
-toadstool necklaces... whipped up the night before!

I'm including our fairy dough recipe because it would make a nice gift for any little fairies you might know. You can also convert it to glittery gold treasure dough if you have a crew of pirates.

Lavender Sparkly Fairy Dough

3 cups flour
1 1/2 cups salt
2 TBS. cream of tartar
3 cups water
1/3 cup oil
3 TBS. food coloring (optional)
several drops of essential oil like lavender
a generous shaking of glitter

Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture forms into a ball. Remove and knead until dough is soft and has lost its stickiness. Keeps well in a sealed container for a good long time. This recipe makes enough for sharing.

The toadstool necklaces were super easy and inspired by Cathy Gaubert. I got the supplies from out local craft store and will be making more for holiday ornaments and present toppers!

I might have had just as much fun as my little fairy... who said it was "the best day EVER!"
She wore her wings deep into the night, and I loved watching her flit around the house by the lights of our tree. For a fairy sighting, click here.


  1. love the little toadstool pendants/ornaments.. they would look lovely on a christmas tree.

    lovely snowy pictures... and Happy birthday to your daughter.

  2. Happy birthday sweet little 4 year old fairy with the lovely curly hair. All you pictures look wonderful Maya,
    Over the years we have had many a fairy, elves and even hobbit parties at my house. I really miss those days.

  3. Oh! How wonderful! All of the beautiful snow and your beautiful little girl celebrating her birthday! It looks like such a special party! Happy, happy birthday to her!

  4. Happy Birthday to your beautiful fairy girl! Maya, everything looks enchanting like all that you create. Thank you for sharing the magical party ideas. My little Maya loves fairies too!

  5. wow, your snow puts our little 4 inches to shame. although, we hadn't had this much snow here in 20 years, and now here we are in the mid-70's for the week!
    happy, happy birthday to your big girl! what a lovely party it must have been. i think that i squealed out loud when i saw your party favors, especially the toadstool necklaces. :) in fact, i was thinking that those would look super-sweet hanging from our christmas tree (next year!)...good idea, apryl.

  6. Oooh what a magical party you prepared for your little fairy ! Four is such a cute age ! (my boys are 4 and a half & 6 and a half) Everything you made for her party was so cute, really ! Apparently she enjoyed everything !! :)
    Yeah for the snow, I'm so happy you can enjoy this as we're getting closer to Christmas !! :) Have a great week, Maya ! xoxo

  7. My fairy isn't two yet. I can't wait until she's a little older so we can do crafts like this. She doesn't even like playdough yet.

    But I'm still making her a fairy softie doll, a tutu, a felt fairy crown, hopefully.

  8. What a good mommy you are! When my kiddos were little, we made lots of playdough but I never thought to put glitter in it. Smart for fairies!

    And the mushroom necklace is adorable.


  9. adorable! sounds like a very happy birthday indeed.

    and wouldn't you know it, i spent the weekend making play dough (more details to come) and just conceived a little mushroom project from recycled materials this morning while cleaning up :)

    enjoy your snow! we are hoping for a dusting tonight.

  10. Beautiful pics! We are having a snow day here in the Pacific Northwest. Reminds me of when I used to live in places that usually get snow in December!

    Happy Birthday to your little one, and so glad you were able to still have a fairy soiree for her despite the blanket of white.

  11. The photos are so beautiful! I love the faerie party! My daughter still LOVES faeries at 8 yrs old. Happy Birthday to you both!!

  12. I love your blog! Its so full of tenderness and love! And your work is charming, your daughter is lovelly and you make are beautiful photos! I am your number 1 fan of Brazil!
    Camila Joner

  13. oh, and I made a especial post about you and your work, is that all right?? ==

  14. so gorgeous! we had a snow day today...being from MN, I still think it is incredibly funny when schools close down in Portland when we get 3 inches of snow...B is loving it!

    now let's talk fairy party! happy birthday sweet maya's little one...such a magical birthday party! the kind I used to dream of when I was small..actually I dream of it now. Maybe for my birthday this year you could come here and throw me a fairy extravaganza..just a thought...xo t

  15. The toadstool necklaces are darling!! Creative idea!

    Thanks for sharing the snow pictures, perfect for the Christmas season!

  16. Happy Bee-lated Birthday from Pajama Girl to Little M!

    Snow day here too, but I had to! Perfect snowman snow as well.

  17. Lucky fairy. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

    It truly does look magical at your place.

  18. This looks like it as SO much fun! Having such a creative mom would be the best birthday gift. I've been slowing collecting awesome DIY ideas for kid's birthdays so this is great!

  19. Happy birthday, little fairy!
    I almost missed this post... Sorry for being late.

  20. Great stuff you've made for your little birthday girl! We haven't done any play dough in a long time. I'm sure my girls would love the glitter version. Maybe something we should do over the Christmas break. Would vinegar work instead of the cream of tartar, you think? I'm not sure I can find cream of tartar over here...

  21. Thanks for the snow! I can't wait for some genuine winter frolicking. Its been all rain and drizzle in NYC so far.

  22. Happy birthday to my sweet little fairy neice!!!!
    We wish we could be there with you to play and make angels in the snow!

  23. HI,
    I had a quick question about the mushrooms. Could you tell me how you made them. from looking at the picture, I can tellt hat they consist of wooden spools, with semi circular wooden beads attached on top. Did you just paint htem over then?? And how did you attach the hook on the top?


    Bev (

  24. Thanks for all of the b-day wishes! It's taken a little while to get back you during this full week.
    Pascale- I don't know about vinegar. I might try it without either and see how that goes.
    Bev- the toadstool caps were painted with red acrylic paint, and after it dried I added the white painted dots. Next step, attach cap to spool with white glue. Tap a tiny hole into center of cap with the tip of a nail. Insert and twist in an eyehook. Done:)

  25. What an amazing birthday.
    Love those necklaces so much.
    Your snow photographs ar Amazing.
    What a lucky little girl to have such an amazing mother.
    Sorry I'm late at leaving comments, I've been so busy in work this month and the time has just flown.

  26. wow- gorgeous blog. just found you through "top 100 tutorials" and will for sure keep coming back! when i saw your mother's barn i thought it looked like my home state of vermont, but i see you are in ithica? have always wanted to visit there- sounds like a very cool town. just made some Moosewood mushroom barley soup for dinner tonight!

  27. So cute- what did you make the top (stool)of the necklace with? My daughter would love to make some!-
    What a memorable day!

  28. domestic bliss-
    the toadstool was made from a wooden spool and a wooden dome/half circle. Both can be found at any local craft store. I'm sure your daughter will have fun!
