
Monday, June 2, 2014

Oh June!

The last week has been packed to the brim! End of the year stuff mixed with everything else. Squam Prep, sewing, writing, town parades (with my daughter in it!), Jazz Concerts (with my son soloing!), and the installation of the school art show (which is tonight)... and what has kept me mellow and happy throughout? Running. Yoga. I can't stop. It makes everything possible. Or at least makes me feel sane when everything possible is happening!
I'm also surrounded by heavenly scents. Aromatherapy inside and out. From stuffing lavender sachets and sleepy owls (first pic), to the delicate perfume of wild dame's rocket that permeates the air on the country roads I travel.
The busier life becomes the more important it feels to learn how to lean into the places of slow and connected time with my body and nature.

This is may be a hectic time of year for you, too. What do you do to create space for yourself? Or perhaps I should also ask... what would you LIKE to do to create some ease and peace amidst the buzz? Take a minute. Really think about it.

You can share below or just nod your head and say "Yes, _______ is just what I need right now."And then go find a way to make it happen- I'm rootin' for you!
Welcome June, thank you for your loveliness!


  1. I need the basics of mamma self-care - too often neglected: sleep, water, and at least 20 minutes moving outside. Running has become a go-to since I can squeeze more exercise into less time that way.

  2. I just love June. We have dame's rockets growing here too. What a heady scent they have. A daily walk is always in the cards for me, and I like to sit in the backyard in the lounge chairs and listen to the birds and watch my flowers grow. Happy June to you, Maya.
